Unit Four Submission

By conexv7
  • Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin allowed the seeds to be separated from the cotton with much more speed and efficiency. This is an example of progress because it was another step towards automation.
  • Sectionalism

    The north and south were divided about the issue of Slavery, this issue caused them to be two separate entities. This is an example of expansion because each area wanted to expand their ideas in the other area.
  • Plantation system

    The plantation system is what the south used. They used slave labor and agriculture to produce their products for the north. This is an example of progress because it showed progress towards the south beginning to industrialize.
  • Lowell Mill

    This was a textile mill that hired several hundred woman to work in their factories. This was an example of progress because it showed industrialization and also showed progress towards women rights because now they had jobs.
  • Factory System

    The north started to build factories to produce their products in large quantities to sell in mass numbers. This is an example of progress because it showed progress towards the production line and mass numbers of products.
  • Common Man

    This was the idea that the "Common Man", ordinary citizens, should have control over the government and be catered to accordingly. This is an example of the american dream because it represents a government run by the people for the people.
  • Election of 1824

    This election was very controversial because the outcome was decided by the house of representatives. This is an example of conflict because people began to believe that they only elected the president out of a corrupt bargain.
  • Erie Canal

    This man made Canal allowed transport of many goods between New york and any settlements that were built along the canal. This is an example of expansion because the canal offered opportunities for faster transport of people and of goods.
  • Tarif of abominations

    This set a 62% tax on 92% of goods imported to the south. This is an example of conflict because the south didn't feel this was fair, and they wanted to secede after this.
  • Railroads

    Railroads allowed extremely fast transport for people and goods between cities. This is an example of expansion because the rail roads connected many cities together that otherwise never would have been connected.
  • Underground Railroad

    The underground railroad was what the rebellious movement was referred to as for the slaves. They were taken from their plantations and brought to the north to be set free. This is an example of the american dream because it was a step towards freedom for everyone.
  • Indian Removal Act

    This was a law that Jackson passed that removed Indians from their land to allow for the Americans to expand westward. This is an example of conflict because the Americans forced the Indians out of their land.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    The creation of the mechanical reaper helped to expand farming and make agriculture much more easy. This is an example of expansion because this allowed farms to be able to grow in size and still be sustainable.
  • Steel plow

    This invention made plowing large fields much easier for farmers and made it much more efficient. This is an example of expansion because farms could grow to larger sizes now.
  • Telegraph

    The electrical telegraph allowed communication to be much easier for news and commercial uses. this is an example of expansion because it allowed people from across the country to be able to inform each other of events.
  • Trail of tears

    This was the name given to the path that many cherokee were forced to take when evicted from their land. This is an example of expansion because this allowed the US to expand westward more without interference from the cherokee,
  • Lowell Girls

    These women were recruited by employers to work in mills to create textiles. This is an example of the American dream, because women usually could not work anywhere before the mills came along, but now they can work and make their own money.
  • Sewing Machine

    This allowed large canvas's of cloth and clothes to be mass produced in factories. This is an example of progress because it was a step towards automation and mass production.
  • Interchangeable parts

    The idea that machines could be run on common parts that could be swapped out if they broke. This was an example of progress because it showed that if one little thing broke, you didn't have to replace everything, you could swap that part out for another one, or possibly something even better.
  • Nullification crisis

    The south declared the tariffs were unconstitutional. This is an example of conflict because the south said if they tried to collect these taxes they would secede from the union.