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Unit 6 Timeline

  • Federalists and Democratic-Rebuplicans

    Federalists and Democratic-Rebuplicans
    These two parties formed from the ideals of how the new country was to be ran to meet the common goal of the people. This was polarizing due to the completely different approaches to government between the two parties. However, this was crucial to the upbringing of the U.S. because it helped to form new ideas and pave the way for politics in America.
  • Neutrality proclamation

    Neutrality proclamation
    By this point, France had begun to take after the U.S and began to revolt. They had come to the new country hoping to receive aid from their allies. However, Washington decided it was best for them to remain neutral to not ruffle any feathers due to the countires new found independence.
  • Jefferson beats Adams

    Jefferson beats Adams
    Thomas Jefferson has won the election for the democratic republicans. He had made a claim for his party over the federalists. This was controversial due to how close the voting was for him and Adams.
  • Fletcher vs. Peck

    Fletcher vs. Peck
    This court case was the beginning of a whole new power for the Supreme court. This case gave the Supreme court the power to be able to invalidate state laws deemed unconstitutional. This means any case that had a law that seemed to go against what the constitution deemed then it was changed or cut by the supreme court.
  • U.S. declares war

    U.S. declares war
    Madison believed war with Britain was inevitable at this point. The U.S. decided to go to war..with Canada. They fought and the result was that the capitol was burned down, neither side won, and Britain gave up half way through.
  • Napoleon exile

    Napoleon exile
    The European power had been having a problem with the growing power of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon had been condemned after the Treaty of Fontainebleu where he was dethroned and exiled to Elba. He became less of a problem for the European and U.S. powers because the Alliance felt less pressured of revolution so their relationship between the U.S. was less strained.