The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus
This is when Columbus's voyage to America marked the start of European colonization in the New World. He also had started the Columbian Exchange which is where people traded many things like plants and diseases between the Old and the New World. I chose this because this is what basically created the foundation for many different developments during the Age of Revolution. -
Treaty of Tordesillas
Portugal and Spain signed this treaty which established what part of the newly discovered land outside of Europe they would get. This was put forth to make peace in a way and stop arguments because of new found territory. I chose this because with the new territories being set, they were able to make new trade routes which I found cool. -
Vasco de Gama sails and reaches India
De Gama was able to successfully sail around the Cape of Good Hope to India which helped make new trade routes to the East. With these new trade routes in place, much wealth was made by this which then helped to bring notice to capitalism. I think this is important because it kind of marks the star of modern global trade lines which helped later on transport goods through seas. -
Discovery of the Pacific Ocean in Panama
Vasco Núñez de Baboa was exploring the Pacific coast of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean. This was important because it helped to create more new trade routes for European exploration. With this discovery he also helped Spanish imperial ambitions in the New World. I chose this because even to this day, the Pacific Ocean is widely known and has helped to expand and make more new trade routes during the Age of Revolution. -
First to go Around the World
Ferdinand Magellanis is the first to ever go around the world completely. His expedition helped show that the world was interconnected in ways that we couldn't even imagine and helped to support and give evidence that the Earth was circular. I chose this because I felt as if he helped the modern world now by advancing our knowledge and giving us a jump start to distinguishing that the world is circular. -
Portuguese begins colonization of Brazil
This helped Portugal expand European territorial control. Brazil was known for their sugar production so when the Portuguese colonized Brazil, they established even larger grounds of sugar plantations to earn more money. With more sugar plantations they needed more people in the labor field. I chose this because this helped the expansion of European influence as well as having a presence in America. -
Discovery of the Grand Canyon
Discovered by Garcia López de Cárdenas, the Grand Canyon is now a very popular monument we visit. I chose this because while they were still exploring the Grand Canyon, the Spanish explorers found some Native American tribes which helped them later on have contact between the European and indigenous people. This the later helped them to trade knowledge and goods as well. -
Search for Gold in Kansas
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado traveled to Kansas in search of the Seven Cities of Gold. He unfortunately didn't find what he was searching for, but was able to have insight on the geography, resources, and people of America. Although he wasn't successful, he was able to strike as the beginning of finding wealth and resources for the Europeans which is why I chose this. Also, since Kansas wasn't a distinguished state at the time, he was impactful later by later explorers searching this area. -
Spanish Establishment of the Encomienda System
The Encomienda System granted Spanish settlers the right to demand labor and tribute from their indigenous populations. I chose this because it's not the most pleasant since it is about the abuse of Native American populations, but I feel like this was really touching and just important to me in a way. -
Battle of Lepanto
This was a naval engagement between the Christians and the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean Sea. Again, this helped the Europe to extend trade and culture reaching different areas which is why I chose this because the Christian states were able to get victory against Ottoman Empire.