Unit 5

  • Olive Branch Petition

    After Americans begged the KIng to stop future wars and the King denied the request, Americans were forced to fight for their independence or submit to the King and British rule.
  • Approvement of Declaration of Independence

    After Richard Lee proposed that the colonies declared their independence, Thomas Jefferson drafted up the Declaration of Independence until it was formally approved by Congress.
  • American Independence

    The British finally recognized the Independence of Americans and Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay negotiated the peace terms with Britain.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Farmers in Massachusetts attempted to demand cheap paper money, lighter taxes, and a suspension of property takeovers since they were losing their farms through mortgage foreclosures and tax delinquencies. This led to changes in laws.
  • Pursuing equality

    The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was created by Thomas Jefferson which stated that each person decided their own faith. The Philadelphia Quakers founded the first anti-slavery society in 1775.
  • Debate in the States

    While Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, and New Hampshire were the first 9 states to sign the Constitution, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island were the only states to not sign it.