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Unit 10 Timeline

  • Lincolns 10 percent plan

    Lincolns 10 percent plan
    The North had finally won he civil war and the country was beginning to reunite. Lincoln had made a plan in order to reinstate the South into the U.S. The plan said how generals and leaders of the confederacy were to not be granted citizenship when their states became states again. This however didn't come to fruition because he died before it could be implemented.
  • Lincoln's assasination

    Lincoln's assasination
    The president has just made a plan to help unify the United States once again. However, this world is cruel and his plans were sadly cut short. John Wilkes Booth assassinated him before he could implement any of his plans to help ratify the country.
  • KKK

    Years after slavery has ended and black people are beginning to gain rights after their horrible ordeal. A new group has rose up in order to protect "White rights". They began to spread their hate speech and acts among the citizens of the South targetting black people. They have grown sine then and continue to represent the white supremacy.
  • Election of 1876

    Election of 1876
    The two candidates have completely left the people at a deadlock. The decision had to be made by a special elected college because of the deadlock.
  • Reconstruction Ends

    Reconstruction Ends
    The era where the South began to grow and change has finally ended. The South has established itself within the U.S. once more and has brought with it a new set of laws and mindset that is sweeping the nation.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    This influential court case advanced the controversial “separate but equal” doctrine for assessing the constitutionality of racial segregation laws. This case was one of the most influential cases that included a black person in participation.