Unit 1 key Terms (foundation of American Government)

  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    This declaration was basically a document or article written by Thomas Jefferson that served as a message against the king of Great Britain that the 13 colonies would no longer tolerate his unfair treatment or tax regulations any longer.It also includes that the United States will unit as an independent country.Jefferson was also the main founding father how wrote 90% of the declaration while the other 4 either signed it or edited the final draft.
  • John Witherspoon

    John Witherspoon
    Is not only known as 1 out of 4 of the founder how was one of the only college presidents to sign the declaration of independence but he also helped support the freedom and the liberties of the people as a continental Congressmen.
  • John Hancock

    John Hancock
    Is one out of 4 founding father whose faith strongly shaped his actions and opinions.He also justified The 13 colonists revolt against England and was the first to sign the Declaration of independence which he is known for because of his huge hand writing on the document.He also was the first president of the continental congress.
  • Charles Carrol

    Charles Carrol
    He was the first and only Catholic to sign the declaration of independence as a founding father how was later elected as a member of the continental congress.He also highly supported the American revolution and beloved that without morals a republic or democracy cannot survive any length of time.
  • John Peter Muhlenberg

    John Peter Muhlenberg
    Was a founding fathers how only signed the declaration of independence.But is mostly famously known for his commitment in fighting in the American revolution against the army of Great Britain.He then resigned his position as a soldier of the continental army to become a member of congress after signing the declaration of independence.
  • John Trumbull Sr.

    John Trumbull Sr.
    He was a founding father how cherished Puritans as a preacher and valued loyalty and faith.He was also famous for being the first and only person to serve as a governor as a state and a colony.He also tremendously helped support the revolutionary war by suppling them with food, clothing, shoes, & munitions for the Continental army.
  • John Jay

    John Jay
    Was a founding father how was deeply religious and played an important role in our early stages of a new government like a republic or democracy.He was also the first chief of the justice of the United States Supreme Court and helped Authorize the Federalist papers to support ratifying the constitution.
  • U.S. Constitution

    U.S. Constitution
    Is basically a document was a document which established americas democratic government and fundamental laws which was supposed to support basic rights or liberties given to all individual citizens.Which served as a foundation for branching our government into branches called checks and balances for keeping our country strong and united.
  • Benjamin Rush

    Benjamin Rush
    Was a founding father how only signed the Declaration of the independence, but is mostly known as a christian how for the Patriot cause,and is a member of the son of liberty how created the constitution.Which provided eduction for anyone and everyone regardless of status or age.
  • Bill Of Rights

    Bill Of Rights
    Was a document created by James Madison how was a member of the house of representatives at the time how decided to write the first 10 amendments for the constitution.Which were meant to protect the rights and liberties of any individual.Like the basic right to Vote,trial by jury,Worship any religion,& issue a warrant to protect your personal property.These amendments also restricts the government from violating these amendments by decreasing its power.
  • Fifth Amendment

    Fifth Amendment
    Is one of the amendments from bill of rights written by James madison to ensure that any citizen regardless of their status,age, or gender will be guaranteed fair treatment in front of a trial by jury to be judged in front of others whenever they are accused of one or more crimes.
  • Eminent Domain

    Eminent Domain
    It is basically when the federal government has the power to take property or land for public or private use which requires no constitutional recognition or restrictions against it.However the 5th amendment in the Bill of rights states that property cannot be taken for public or private use.Which is why the government tends to pay the owner of that property a fair price to turn it into public property.
  • "E Pluribus Unum"

    "E Pluribus Unum"
    Is basically a national seal to show the strong union of the 13 colonies imprinted on a coin as a Bold Eagle holding a shield with stars.Which was and still is used for currency of money till this day.
  • Alex de Tocqueville & his 5 Principles

    Alex de Tocqueville & his 5 Principles
    He was a young french aristocrat how beloved and supported the equality and the Union of the 13 colonies.He is also famous for his five principles of equality which is listed below.
    2.egalitarianism-Equality for everyone regardless of religion, economics,& politics
    3.individualism-Rights and dignity of each individual (self reliance)
    4.populism-Working class/ government root system
    5.Lassez faire-Government shouldn't get involved in economic affairs
  • "In God We Trust"

    "In God We Trust"
    Is a common phrase which was added to all of our American currency from the 18th century till this day not only because there was a law placed by President Dwight Eisenhower and congress,But because theirs a deeper meaning to this phrase which empowered the civil war or the people on the mayflower compact to stay alive and have faith In something.Which has altimetly shaped the type of culture we use and our view on past events.