Us history

U.S. History

  • Period: 1462 to

    U.S. History

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    An Italian explorer sailing for Spain who believed that Asia (India) could be reached by sailing west from Europe. His first voyage was in 1492, wherein he discovered North America (Caribbean islands) and named it the West Indies. He will make four voyages to the new world without fully realizing what he had discovered.
  • Jamestown

    The very first settlement in North America, around Williamsburg, Virginia in present day. Established on May 14, 1607, helped America start its way into the country it is today
  • Plymouth

    In September 1620, a group of around 100 English people, many of them members of the English Separatist Church known as the Pilgrims. Sailed over the sea on the Mayflower. Two months later, the three-masted merchant ship landed on the shores of what is called Massachusetts nowadays.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    Massachusetts, settled in 1630 was discovered by 1,000 Puritan refugees from the help of John Winthrop and Deputy Gov. Thomas Dudley. Shorty became massachusetts.
  • Southern Colonies

    Southern Colonies
    When the 13 colonies were created in , build off of the selling goods, like tobacco and wool to, states started popping up like Virginia, and is expanding in the north and the south areas of the new land.
  • Middle Colonies

    Middle Colonies
    In 1664, King Charles II gave the territory between New England and Virginia, then renamed New York, and also got Delaware and Pennsylvania creating the middle colonies.
  • New England Colonies

    New England Colonies
    The immigrants came in the new land making and estainbing Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.
  • Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    They transported Africans to America to do slave work. Being sold from your own country, into slaverly
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    Great Awakening, a religious fight in America, was going on around 1720 and the 1740s. “Referred to as Pietism and Quietism in continental Europe among Protestants and Roman Catholics and as Evangelicalism in England under the leadership of John Wesley” (1703–91). This later would be the reason for freedom in religion in the US.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The Seven Years’ War or The French and Indian War, was a war that lasted from 1756 to 1763, In the early 1750s, France wehn after the Ohio River valley repeatedly, making the British colonies upset. In 1754, the French built “Fort Duquesne” where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers joined to form the Ohio River. During 1754 and 1755, the French had some victories, defeating in quick succession the young George Washington, and other gonvors and leaders.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This event is when the British started taxes on items like paper, newspaper, etc. This made America mad about paying for more than them should, starting an other war.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British troops and a crowd in Boston, Massachusetts were fighting about what the British had control over in the taxes they were using in America
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A group of Americans dressed up as Indians, poured massive amounts of tea into the Boston Harbor to prove the point of they were tired of the prices and tax on the tea.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    When America foght againist the British for polictal independence, the won and America was finally apart from the British.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    A battle between British and American soilders fight, started by a mistery shot by a random person, kicking off the American Revolution.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    A piece of paper that tells that America is separate from British Colonies and is it own colony/colonies
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Washington led 11,000 soliders in west Philadelphia though a hard winter, following death, starvation, then into the spring to once again fight somemore
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    American and French soldiers fought on October 19, 1781, it was more than just a military win. It was the last big battle of the revolution, helping Washington’s reputation as a great leader and becoming the first president of the United States.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    These articles were written in 1787 as the beginning of the rules and laws for the states taht were apart of the U.S. during this time
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    A group of leaders got together to talk and start the constitution, talking about how should be written and when.
  • Bill Of Rights

    Bill Of Rights
    The first ten amendments to the people of the U.S was written. This is important because having right and getting way from a control goverment was the whole point of American Revolution. Theses right are still used today
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    When America buys half of the whole U.S, or the whole great plains, they have more land to work with and build on and discover new things. They bought it from the French
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    When Missouri became a slave state in the fight of slave states vs free states. This was passed in 1820