Twttr is born.
1. Twttr, later changed to Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey (@Jack), Evan Williams (@Ev) and Biz Stone (@Biz) and cleverly named from its dictionary definition: "a short burst of inconsequential information." photo credit -
Presidential candidate John Edwards answers America's questions.
2. Following the Youtube/CNN debates, John Edwards answered questions posed to him via Twitter. -
President Barack Obama thanks supporters via Twitter.
- Barack Obama becomes the first President to use Twitter to communicate with his supporters.
Twitter passes the one billion tweet mark.
4. Twitter's billionth tweet. -
Congress has its first "twitterversy."
5. Representative Pete Hoekstra tweeted, "Just landed in Baghdad. I believe it may be first time I've had bb service in Iraq. 11th trip here," sending Congress into a frenzy over the possible security threat the tweet posed. -
Twitter is a medium for politicians to call each other out.
6. In May 2009, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley tweeted that Obama got nerve" for sightseeing in Paris while criticizing the way the health reform was being carried out, launching a campaign to convince Grassley to support the health care bill. -
Twitter reports 1500% growth in users.
8. According to NewStatesman,Twitter reported a 1500% increase in users, with over 70,000 Twitter related apps now on the market. -
Library of Congress will archive all public tweets.
9. The service manages about 55 million tweets per day, but it won't be available to everyone right away as the Library must collect and organize the tweets. photo credit -
Congressman Weiner gets in trouble on Twitter.
10. An inappropriate picture of Congressman Anthony Weiner was tweeted to his site, causing much controversy in Washington. The Congressman claimed he had been hacked, but resigned from office on June 16, 2011 because of the incident. This raised the question of whether politicians should actively engage in the use of Twitter. photo -
Obama hosts first "Twitter Town Hall"
11. President Obama held the first "Twitter Town Hall" from the East Room of the White house moderated by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. photo credit -
Survey shows that people don't get news from Twitter.
12. A survey done by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press shows that while people use Twitter for entertainment, they don't receive their political information from the site. -
Almost 400 politicians actively engage in Twitter.
- According to tweetcongress.org there are nearly 400 politicians using Twitter as a political forum as of today. Tweet Congress is a site dedicated to helping people find politicians on twitters and allowing them to "heckle" those who aren't on Twitter.