Turn of the Century Timeline Project

By GC1221
  • cover photo

    cover photo
  • Alaska Purchased from Russia

    Alaska Purchased from Russia
    The United States purchased the Alaska territory for $7.2 million. The agreement was signed by Secretary of State. William Seward and Russian Minister to the United States Edouard de Stoeck.
  • Period: to


  • Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
    Golden spike declared opening of railroad stretching across US states. The railroad was built to assist trade and travel. Officially declared first Transcontinental railroad in United States
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    John D. Rockefeller invested in a Cleveland, Ohio oil refinery in 1863. Standard Oil was established in 1870. Standard Oil controlled over 90 percent of oil refineries and pipelines in the US.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Invents Telephone

  • Thomas edison brings light to the world with the lightbulb

  • Chinese exclusion act

  • Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. The goal was to prohibit trusts. Passed under President Benjamin Harrison
  • Ellis Island Opens

    Ellis Island Opens
    Ellis Island in New York City opens for immigrants. Boats carrying European and other foreign citizens begin transportation to and from Ellis Island. The United States experienced a dramatic increase in population growth.
  • Peak Year of Ellis Island Immigration

    Peak Year of Ellis Island Immigration
    Population increase surges during the first year of Ellis Island's opening. New York City population grew dramatically during this time. This opens up future trade with foreign partners.
  • Carnegie Steel’s Homestead Strike

  • Hawaii is Annexed

    Hawaii is Annexed
    Hawaii becomes official US State. Honolulu is declared state capital. Hawaii is declared sovereign under domestic jurisdiction.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

  • The U.S. declares war on Spain

  • Rudyard Kipling published “The White Man’s Burden” in The New York Sun

  • Start of Boxer Rebellion

  • The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end

  • Tenement Act

  • Pres. McKinley is assassinated and Progressive. Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

  • The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe doctrine declares the U.S. right to intervene in the Wesern Hem

  • Upton Sinclair releases “The Jungle”

  • Pure Food & Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act are passed

  • Henry Ford produced his first Model T (car)

    Henry Ford produced his first Model T (car)
    Henry ford made a four cylinder, left drive, self starting car. They were mass produced after the first was made. After innovation on the assembly line, it only took 2 and a half hours to make one car.
  • Creation of the NAACP

  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

  • The Assassination on Austria’s archduke Franz Ferdinand starts WWI

  • The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic

  • The United States enters WWI

    The United States enters WWI
    The USA declared war on Germany on a 82-6 vote. It joined with its allies, Britain, France, and Russia. Many German submarines were attacking merchant ships and passengers.
  • Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition

  • Women got the right to vote

    Women got the right to vote
    It took activists nearly 100 years to get women's rights. Disagreements over strategy nearly crippled the movement more than once. When the 56 yea votes got the majority, woman where allowed to vote.