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  • Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)

    Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
    The Lisbon Earthquake had a magnitude of 9M. The resulting tsunami killed an estimated 20,000 people.
    Fact 1. Fires from candles and cooking fires – spread to the houses.
    Fact 2. The royal family and court were not in the city during the earthquake or tsunami so they were unharmed.
  • Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)

    Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
    The Krakatoa Eruption
  • Papua New Guinea Quake (Papua New Guinea)

    Papua New Guinea Quake (Papua New Guinea)
    The Papua New Guinea Quake had a magnitude of 7.1M, and killed an estimated 2,100 people.
    Fact 1:A series of large aftershocks have been reported
    Fact 2:In may, 11,671 houses were still displaced
  • Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
    The Sumatra Earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1M, and the resulting tsunami killed an estimated 230,000 people.
    Fact 1: The earthquake was thought to have had the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs.
    Fact 2:The rupture was more than 600 miles long
  • Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)

    Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
    The Samoa Earthquake had a magnitude of about 8.1M, and the resulting tsunami killed an estimated 200 people.
    Fact 1: Citizens have taken to social media following the quake to share their experiences.
    Fact 2: it was the largest across the globe that year.