Big wave wallpapers 05

Stephanie Ricci Tsunami Timeline

  • Portugal Tsunami

    Portugal Tsunami
    Located in Lisbon, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean
    Magnitude of around 9.0
    Estimated 20,000 people killed
  • Krakatoa Tsunami

    Krakatoa Tsunami
    Located in the Sundra Strait between Java and Sumatra
    Not an earthquake,but the top of the volcanco collapsed into the ocean--creating a 35 m high tsunami
    Killed more that 36,000
  • Hawaiin Tsunami

    Hawaiin Tsunami
    Located around the Hawaiin Islands
    Magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Aleutians
    Killed approximately 160 people
  • Chile/Hawaii Tsunami

    Chile/Hawaii Tsunami
    Located on the eastern side of Hawaii
    Magnitude 9.5 earthquake in Chile
    61 people were killed
  • Alaska/California Tsunami

    Alaska/California Tsunami
    Located on the coast of California and Alaska
    Magnitude 9.5 earthquake in Alaska
    The tsunami killed about 130 people
  • Sea of Japan Tsunami

    Sea of Japan Tsunami
    Located in the Sea of Japan on Okushiri Island, Japan
    Magnitude 7.8 earthquake
    Killing 120 people on the island
  • New Guinea Earthquake

    New Guinea Earthquake
    Located in Papua New Guinea
    Magnitude 7.1 earthquake, that triggered a landslide, which triggered a tsunami
    Killed about 2,100 people
  • Sumatra Tsunami

    Sumatra Tsunami
    Located in Sumatra, Indonesian islands
    Magnitude 9.1 earthquake
    Killed approximately 230,000 people
  • Samoa Tsunami

    Samoa Tsunami
    Located on the island of Samoa
    Magnitude 8.1 earthquake
    Killed about 200 people
  • Chile Tsunami

    Chile Tsunami
    Located on the coast of Chile
    Magnitude 8.8 earthquake
    Killed about 700 people in coastal towns
  • Japan Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster

    Japan Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster
    Located offshore of Fukishima, Japan in the Pacific Ocean
    Magnitude 9.0 Tohoku earthquake
    About 16,000 deaths, more than 200,000 had to evacuate