
  • lisbon earthquake (portugal)

    10,000 death
    8.5-9.0 magnitude
    no warning system
  • krakatoa eruption (java/ sumatra)

    volcanic eruption
    20 million tons of sulfur into the air
  • aleutian earthquake (alaska)

    165-173 deaths
    8.6 magnitude
    26 million dollars in damage
  • great chilean earthquake (chile)

    1000-6000 deaths
    9.4-9.6 magnitude
    lasted for 11-13 minutes
  • good friday earthquake (alaska)

    139 death
    9.2 magnitude
    311 million in damage
  • hokkaido earthquake (japan)

    230 deaths
    7.7 magnitude
    moderate damage and was warned 5 minutes before tsunami
  • papua new guinea quake (papua new guinea)

    2183-2700 death
    7.0 magnitude
    occurred on a reverse fault
  • sumatra earthquake (indonesia)

    240,000 deaths
    9.1-9.3 magnitude
    indian plate was subducted by the Burma plate
  • somoa earthquake (somoan islands)

    189 deaths
    8.1 magnitude
    wave was 46H caused in ring of fire
  • chile earthquake (chile)

    525 deaths
    8.8 magnitude
    shaking felt a far as 1,500 miles away
  • tohoku earthquake (japan)

    18,000 deaths
    9.0 magnitude
    nuclear disaster (radiation release)