Triumph of the Nerds

By 874115
  • Altair Computer designed

    Altair Computer designed
    Altair 8800 was made by the Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems
  • Microsoft founded

    Microsoft founded
    Microsoft founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen
  • Apple founded

    Apple founded
    Founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Woziak
  • Apple One is created

    Apple One is created
    It was the first computer and was a data board that was not as successful as the Apple Two
  • Apple Two is created

    Apple Two is created
    Second computer by Apple was a huge success
  • Microsoft purchase rights of QDOS

    Microsoft purchase rights of QDOS
    Microsoft needed a dirty and operating system which Microsoft purchased
  • Visicalc released for Apple Two

    Visicalc released for Apple Two
    Made by Bob Frankston and Dan Bricklin was the first spreadsheet for the Apple Two
  • PC Expo opens in NYC

    PC Expo opens in NYC
    Was basically a Computer Convention or club for everyone to see the newest computers to date