topics 12-14 timeline

  • 1300 BCE

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was the rebirth of culture, art, and learning in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, that started in Italy, and shifted into parts of western Europe.
  • 1265

    Important Thinkers during the Renaissance

    Important Thinkers during the Renaissance
    The Renaissance is mostly remembered by the artists and philosophers throughout its time. The most important philosophers of this time include Dante, Petrarch, Christine de Pizan, Desiderius Erasmus, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Baldassarre Castiglione.
  • 1377

    Art and Artists during the Renaissance

    Art and Artists during the Renaissance
    Medieval art was introduced, and some of the most important artists of all time are during this time, including Filippo Brunelleschi, Leonardo de Vinci, and Michelangelo Buonarroti.
  • 1520

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    This was the single most powerful state of the early modern period that was based in the Middle East.
  • 1527

    The End of the Renaissance

    The End of the Renaissance
    The end of the Renaissance was mainly due to the collapse of the balance of power by the Peace of Lodi.
  • 1545

    The Catholic Reformation

    The Catholic Reformation
    The time period when Luther split from the Catholic Church and created Lutheranism.
  • 1560

    The Conquistadors

    The Conquistadors
    The Conquistadors were the military explorers sent over from the Spanish crown to the Americas to claim land, convert "heathens," and enrich both themselves and the crown.
  • Evolution of Spain, England, and France

    Evolution of Spain, England, and France
    During the sixteenth century, these three countries were the most powerful and developed during this time.
  • The Great Dying

    The Great Dying
    This is the demographic catastrophe when the Europeans came over to America, and as much as 90% of the Native Americans died within a couple of generations of Columbus's arrival.
  • Financial/Gunpowder Revolution

    Financial/Gunpowder Revolution
    The Financial Revolution was a result from gunpowder costing more, since gunpowder made a huge change in how wars were fought.