Topher Detmering Timeline Transportation

  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    An Exchange of Goods between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres: diseases, animals, food, and crops. The Columbian Exchange meant a population increase in Europe because of new foods from America, and a population decrease of indigenous peoples because of diseases from Europeans. It is related to the theme of movement because it meant certain people were going from one place to another and supplies were moving to other areas.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Caravels Introduced to America

    Caravels Introduced to America
    On August 3, 1492, Columbus introduced the first 2 Caravels to the new world, the Niña and the Pinta. Caravels were ships developed by the Portuguese for long and dangerous voyages. They were typically known to be wide, shallow and could sail upwind. These ships had an essential impact on the outcome of the Age of Exploration and the Discovery of America.
  • Conestoga Wagons Are Developed

    Conestoga Wagons Are Developed
    The Pensylvania Dutch created Conestoga Wagons in the 1740s to 1760. They were curved so nothing could fall out of them and could carry up to 5 tons. The wagons were used for transporting manufactured goods and drawn by oxen. They were part of the advancement of trade in America.
  • The Proclamation Line of 1763

    The Proclamation Line of 1763
    After the French and Indian, the British government created the Proclamation Line of 1763. In order to prevent the colonists from moving into neighboring territories and risking other conflicts, the Proclamation Line was established to make an official border for the colonists. The colonists were against this, regarding they had to pay 250,000 pounds to the government for troops to supervise them.
    Source 1
  • Virginia Stamp Act Resolution

    Virginia Stamp Act Resolution
    The British subjects of the colonies believed they were mistreated by the stamp act. They were annoyed by the fact that the government was ignoring their rights as British subjects. Due to the abuse of power in the British Government, Patrick Henry wrote the stamp act resolution standing for the colonists right.
    Link text
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga is known as the turning point of the American Revolution. It was the Colonists first major victory against their British and convinced the French to help fight against the Brits. The Battle of Saratoga was a key event of the American Revolution and helped earn America's independence.
    Source 1/Chapter-5/Section-4/History Alive
  • Abolitionist Movement

    Abolitionist Movement
    The Abolitionist Movement was a movement to end the transatlantic slave trade. It took place through the nineteenth century and was supported through many different ways. It was linked to the underground railroad, a system created to free runaway slaves. Through speeches and writings, the Abolitionist Movement helped abolish slavery and free all blacks.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was an effect of the Indian Removal Act, signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 in order to force the natives off of wanted land. Natives were marched 2,200 miles to Oklahoma. Over 4,000 of 15,000 Cherokee died. It opened over 25,000,000 acres to white settlers and slavery. The event is an important reminder of the horrible things people do to others for their own benefits.
  • Ironclads

    Ironclads were naval battleships that were used for the civil war and were one of the first steam-powered battleships. They helped pave a path towards future ships and advancement for war and trade.
  • Minie Ball

    Minie Ball
    The Minié Ball was the cause for most of 620,000 casualties in the civil war. It gave both Union and Confederate troops the ability to aim at a distant target and actually hit it. Unlike the musket ball, the minié ball was malleable and would spread to fit the size of the barrel
    source 1
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush started when gold was found at the construction of Sutter's Mill. It started one of the most significant immigration periods America has ever known. California's population increased by about 100,000 within a year with only 2/3 of them were American citizens. 120,000 native Americans died of abuse, disease, and hunger. The rush increased the population of California by extreme numbers and showed that the three G's were still in force by the 19th century.
  • Pacific Railway Act

    Pacific Railway Act
    The Pacific Railway Act helped connect America and increase transportation for goods and settlers. It was used to ship manufactured goods and natural resources back and forth between the east and the west. It extended settlement patterns across the country and made traveling go from months to days. It also helped the north win the civil war. The Pacific Railway Act was a significant step for movement in America.
  • Machine Gun

    Machine Gun
    Machine Guns made offensive tactics ineffective. The guns used each shot to queue the next shot creating a chain the could repeat about 600 times a minute. The invention of the machine gun made trench warfare nessessary.
    Source 1
  • Tremont Street Subway

    Tremont Street Subway
    Before September 1, 1897, Bostons streets were too crowded and congested by people trollies, and horses because of immigration and the growing population. The Tremont Subway was America's first subway system and traveling across the city became easy and efficient. Workers could get to their jobs and streets weren't flooded with people.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trenches were dug to provide cover from machine gun fire. At the beginning of the war, when the French were winning a battle the German soldiers dug holes in the ground in order to hold their ground. The French got scared and did the same thing and therefore creating trench warfare. Trench warfare caused stalemates between national borders in Europe.
  • Adolf Hitler officially becomes a dictator

    Adolf Hitler officially becomes a dictator
    Hitler was made chancellor in 1933, but in less than 2 months he became a dictator. He had killed 100 of his political allies in 1 night and used the jews as a scapegoat. He killed 6,000,000 Jews in camps. Hitler was not notorious, he was unstable. source 1
    [source 2](
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan attempted to weaken the American navy. The attack took action while peace was being negotiated between America and Japan. In all efforts to sabotage the American Forces, only 1out of the 8 battleships was irreparable. Later, President Roosevelt met a joint session of Congress and made a speech about a date that will live in infamy. The Attack on Pearl Harbor is arguably the biggest mistake Japan has ever made. Source 1
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    Japanese American Internment Camps were created out of fear and prejudice against American "Japs" and the tensions between America and Japan. The camps were located in California where a majority of ethnic Japanese live. The Internment Camps were arguably one of the worst decisions America had ever made.
    Scource 1
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    America was worried that nuclear weapons were going to be the fate of the war. Clues hinted towards nuclear research in Germany. The Manhatten project was made to research the first atomic bomb. the bombs were used to end the war and "convince" the japanese to surrender.
  • Sputnik

    The USSR launched the worlds first artificial satellite. Sputnik was the historical starting point for the space race and started fear for nuclear warheads launchings from space. The Sputnik was the marking for the start of the US' victory against the USSR.
  • Uber

    Uber launched in 2009 as a taxi app. It was made to make calling a taxi easier and less of a hassle. It is an essential part of peoples lives and is an everyday use of transportation.