Civil war soldiers

Top Ten Events which Led to the Civil War

  • Eli Whitney receives patent for the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney receives patent for the Cotton Gin
    Before the cotton gin the United States produced almost 750,000 bales of hay, in 1830. By 1850 that amount had grown to 2.85 million bales.And since picking cotton was very proffitable plantation owners got a very big farm and since picking cotton was a very hard task the situation called for more slaves,which wasnt good because conress abolished slave trade.
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    Top Ten Events Leading to Civil War

  • Congress Abolishes the African Slave Trade

    Congress Abolishes the African Slave Trade
    Even though congress did not have the power to completley stop the trade they hade the power to regulate it and when they did the amount of slaves into the us decreased dramaticly causing people to smuggle slaves into the states and to breed them so they could get more slaves that were bigger faster stronger.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    This prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of a line Congress drew except inside the state of Missouri. Which cut through the state so there were slaves and slave holders in the north which angered the south because the Union were just saying where you can or cant have slaves and not giving slave states any say in what a good compromise for a boundry is.
  • The Tariff of Abominations

    The Tariff of Abominations
    The Tariff was a protective tariff passed by Congress to protect industry in the northern United States and after it was passed the nation suffered economicly throughout the 1820s, and South Carolina was affected by this as well. Which enraged south carolina causing them to threaten the union with secceding.
  • First issue of The Liberator is Published

    First issue of The Liberator is Published
    The newspaper earned nationwide popularity because of its determination to encourage people to free slaves. This paper was not very fond of in many states. That people placed rewards for people who identified a distributor of this news paper.This paper helped persuaid the public for the emancipation of all slaves.
  • Texans Declare Independence from Mexico

    Texans Declare Independence from Mexico
    After a long political and cultural disagreement with American settlers and the Mexican government Texas won its independence and won its right to slavery. Later causing some balance problems for the union as Texas entering the U.S. as a slave state.
  • Texas Joins the Union as a Slave State

    Texas Joins the Union as a Slave State
    After Texas's victory over Mexico they entered the union as a slave state which set off balance of slave states to free states causing future desputes over voting problems such as the southern states having more votes than northern states.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected President

    Abraham Lincoln is elected President
    The first republican president is elected into office and is against the spread of slavery. And he later allows the emancipation proclimation to go into effect and this does not help toward the future of slavery for the south causing a great deal of stress between the north and the south later causing them to seperate.
  • Confederate States of America is formed

    Confederate States of America is formed
    11 Southern states that seceded from the Union that carried their own form of government felt that theyre way of life based on slavery was being threatened so they formed a confederacy which later led to the great civil war between the north and the south.
  • Confederates fired on Fort Sumter

    Confederates fired on Fort Sumter
    When the confederacy arrived at fort sumter and called for the union to surrender they refused so the confederacy fired on fort sumter forcing a surrender and starting the bloodiest war in American history.