Photo on 2011 11 30 at 10.17

Top 10 Diseases

  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Dengue Fever

    Dengue Fever
    Dengue Fever
    The symptoms start at 104-105 fever. The dengue fever is often seen in world travelers. Joints and muscles start to ache, and vomiting also occurs.
  • Cholera

    Worldwide it affects 3–5 million people and causes 100,000–130,000 deaths a year as of 2010. The severity of the diarrhea and vomiting can lead to rapid dehydration. Transmission occurs primarily by drinking or eating water or food that has been contaminated.
  • SARS

    SARS is a very infective virus that is spread from perton-to-person threw air, or by touching objects that have been contaminated. SARS is contagious. You have to wear a mask at all time to provide protect.
  • Syphilis

    Syphilis Syphilis is believed to have infected 12 million people worldwide in 1999 Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. It may also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy or at birth.
  • Polio

    Spreads by direct person-to-person contact. Contact with infected mucus. Most is 5-35 days of being infected, average is 7-14 days.
  • Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B
    Hepatitis B
    Can be spread by having contact with the blood, and some other body fluids cause infection in the liver, inflammation .
  • Mumps

    Mumps is a viral disease, it can be spread by most children. Mumps is a very big threat to the world. It is a painful swelling of the salvirary glands. Mumps is also very contagious.
  • Menigitis

    Meningitis is inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord,The inflammation may be caused by infection withviruses,Meningitis can be life-threatening
  • Measles

    Measles, also known as rubella, is a infection of the respitory system. It is infective by Morbillviruses. Morbillviruse is a single strand, negitive-sense RNA viruses.
  • Ebola

    Ebola virus is one of at least 30 known viruses capable of causing viral hemorrhagic fever syndrome.