To what extent has internet programming lanaguage changed over the course of the past 20 years?

By Amolika
  • Period: to

    Internet programming language over the course of the past 20 years.

  • Perl 5

    Perl 5
    Perl was originally developed by Larry Wall in 1987 to make the reporting process easier. Since then it went through many changes and Perl 5 was nearly a complete rewrite of the language. The code was stabilized and new features such as objects, references, and variables were added. Perl 5 is used for graphics, system administration, finance, network programming, and other applications. It's popularity was gained in the 1990's, but it has been actively developed and used to this day.
  • Java Released

    Java Released
    The project to create Java was initiated in 1991 by original developer James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. It was first released for public implementation in 1995. Java is a powerful, computer programming language designed to produce interactive programs such as online banking, games, messaging, etc. Some of the main goals in the creation of this language were for it to be simple, secure, high performance, and dynamic.
  • PHP

    PHP first appeared in 1995 and since then it has become a workhorse of the internet. It runs on a web server and can be directly embedded into HTML documents.
  • JavaScript

    Developed by Brendan Eich, the first version of JavaScript was released in March 1996. JavaScript is a scripting language that is found within HTML codes and only runs on browsers.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Visual Basic was designed to allow the application development of graphical user interface programs. It is a great language to learn for beginners, as even a moderately complex program can be written in a matter of hours. The final release was version 6 in 1998.
  • C#

    C# was released in 2000 and quickly became one of the most popular. It still is one of the most popular to this day. It is often compared to Java and is considered an alternative to Java as well. It is a simple and modern programming language developed by Microsoft.
  • Python 3

    Python 3
    Python is the complete opposite of Perl in terms of readability. The central part of the language is described with general truths of life such as explicit is better than implicit, and simple is better than complex. Python 3 was a major release after a long period of testing.
  • Java 7

    Java 7
    Picture credit Java 7 (codename: Dolphin) was a major update released to developers with many additions and improvements since the original version. Evolving from clean, simple codes it has become vital for the functionality of virtual machines, the internet and specifically, social media sites. Some additions of the update include small changes in language, new files and format, graphics, and security fixes.
  • C11

    C is the most widely used language and has changed the world of computers. In some aspect, almost all other programming languages borrow from C. It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973.
  • Ruby 2,1

    Ruby 2,1
    Ruby was first designed and developed in the mid 1990's in Japan. It is a dynamic and reflective programming language that resembles Perl in some ways such as it's syntax. In 2005, Ruby gained appreciation and popularity when the web application framework was released. It allowed rapid development of web apps. The only improvement it needed was the performance which it fixed over the years. The newest version is Ruby 2,1.