TKMB Mr. Avery

  • Mr. Avery is Born

    James Avery is born. He was currently the youngest of three children. Five other siblings were later born during his childhood. His father managed a motel and his mother stayed home.
  • Black Voters Rights in Mississippi

    Mississippi passed legislation for blacks to be allowed to vote. They had to pass a literacy test and pay poll taxes. Since Mississippi is just across the border from Alabama, there was some uprising in Alabama. The Avery family was much opposed to this ruling. Although Mr. Avery was much too young to remember this event, it greatly impacted his life because his parents forced their beliefs onto him.
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

    As a teenager, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was among one of Mr. Avery's favorite book series. This can be seen as the beginning of when Mr. Avery began to waste his time indoors. He read all of the books and sparked his passion for reading.
  • Hershey Company Founded

    The popular Hershey Chocolate Company was started. They candy quickly became popular. Chocolate is one of Mr. Avery's favorite foods and he instantly became attached. This also led to his obesity.
  • Spanish American War Begins

    The Spanish American War begins. This was a scary time for some Americans because the war was faught in Cuba, which is very close to the southern US states. Mr. Avery struggled with his fear of the war breaking into America.
  • President McKinley assassinated

    President William McKinley was assassinated on this day. Not only did he lead the US to victory in the Spanish-American War, but he also promoted American Industry and Economy. Mr. Avery's father's motel that he managed got much more business and his family was able to purchase a house for Mr. Avery to move into. When President McKinley was assassinated, some aspects of the economy reverted back to how they use to be and Mr. Avery had rough times that followed.
  • Ford introduces the Model T

    The Henry Ford Motor Company created the first car that was affordable for the average middle class person. Mr. Avery, who was a thrify young-adult, bought a Model T with some of his savings. Since he stopped riding his bicycle and stopped walking places, this purchase also contributed to his obesity.
  • Babe Ruth traded to Yankees

    On this date, the Red Sox traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees. Later, this trade went down as one of the worst trades in the history of baseball because Babe Ruth rounded out to be one of the best players. Mr. Avery was a huge baseball fan and followed the Yankees baseball team.
  • USSR established

    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is established. In later years, Americans, like Mr. Avery, felt threatened by the spread of communism. Eventually there were tight stress between the countries in the Arms Race and the Space Race. My
  • Penicillin is discovered

    The Scottish scientist, Alexander Fleming, discovered Penicillin by accident. This revolutionized the history of modern medicine, psrticularily antibiotics. Prior to this, Mr. Avery's hygiene was not the best and typically got many infections. Besides his weight, Mr. Avery had good health after this discovery.
  • FDR elected president

    When Franklin Roosevelt was elected, the US was in an economic crisis. Also, later in his presidency the US was practicing total war in WWII. Mr. Avery got through the depression with The New Deal policies/laws that FDR created.