Title ix pic

Title IX

  • Founding

    Before this date, there was no act discussing gender discrimination in public education. The author if this act was Senator Birch Bayh.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX becomes a law under President Nixon.
  • Early History

    Prior to the act, women did not have the same opportunities as men did in Higher Education. They were not viewed as equal as man. This reason is why Title IX was Created.
  • Women's Rights

    Bayh believed it was time to change the stereo type of women's role in higher education.
  • Period: to

    First Few Years

    During the first few years, Title IX started to take affect towards athletics and allowing women to play.
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    Throughout the history of this act, there have been numerous court cases regarding Title IX non-compliance.
  • Enforcement

    The HEW (Department of Health Education and Welfare) published the final regulations of how Title Ix would be enforced in Higher Education. and it was not until this point that people truly understood Title IX and how it would affect college athletics.
  • Application and Struggles

    Universities receiving Federal financial aid have three years to comply. NCAA claimed that the implementation of Title IX was illegal.
  • HEW Split

    Hew split into two separte agencies, Title IX would fall into the Department of Educations office for Civil Rights
  • ORC (Office for Civil Rights)

    The ORC came up with a way to investigate the equality in Higher Education through "the Investigator's Manual.
  • Civil Rights Restoration Act

    Civil Rights Restoration Act was passed in response to the U>S> Supreme Court's 1984 ruling of Grove City College versus Bell.
  • Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act

    Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act required federally assisted higher education institutions to discolse information on roster sizes for men's and women's teams, as well as budgets for recruiting, scholarships, coaches' salaries, and other expenses, annually.
  • Period: to

    ORC Futher

    ORC issued three letters of clarification. First in 1996- proportionality test. Second in 1998- substantially equal. Third 2003- reaffirm the first.
  • ORC Announcement

    ORC announced a clarification of prong three of the three-part test of Title IX compliance.
  • Amend

    Title IX regulations were amended to provide greater flexibility in the operation of single-sex classes or extracurricular activities in higher education.
  • Commission on Civil Rights

    The Commission on Civil Rights released several recommendations on Title IX policy to address what it termed "unnecessary reduction of men's athletic opportunities".
  • Dear Colleague Letter

    Mentioned Title Ix and stated that sexual violence also falls into the category of sexual discrimination.
  • Joe Biden

    Joe Biden
    A non-legal binding guideline announced by VP Joe Biden on sexual harassment or violence required that institutions conduct investigations and discipline on the preponderance of the evidence standard, rather than that of beyond reasonable doubt.
  • Adding Transgender

    Non-legal binding guidelines were issued by the Department of Education stating that transgender students are protected from sex-based discrimination under Title IX.
  • Universities Under the EYE

    For the first time the Department of Education released a list of 55 colleges and universities under investigation for having mishandled sexual assult.
  • Future

    There is still a lot to learn with Title IX and how it should be applied to Higher Education. One of the biggest topics right now is transgender and how it applies to areas such as dorm living and bathrooms. My predictions are that for a while they are going to have to go "case by case" for these situations. It will be a while before an agreement on how to address these situations as a whole.