
Timeline Project: Pongnon, Jenda

  • Industrialization: Second Industrial Revolution

    Industrialization: Second Industrial Revolution
    The Second Industrial Revolution is a witnessed the expanssion of the railways, increased production of steel. Thee United States possessed abundant natural resources, including water, timber, coal, iron ore and oil.
  • Civil War: Fort Sumter

    Civil War: Fort Sumter
    South Carolina secedded from the Union, five dyas later, 68 federal troops stationed in Charlston, South Carolina, withdrew to Fort Sumter. The North considered the fort to be the property of the United States.
  • Gilded Age: The Age of Gild

    Gilded Age: The Age of Gild
    The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the North and West, but also much social conflict. American wages, especially for skilled workers, were much higher than in Europe, which attracted millions of immigrants.
  • Reconstruction: The Fifteenth Amendment

    Reconstruction: The Fifteenth Amendment
    The Amendment prohibited states from voters on account of race, color. This Amendment left open the posibility, that state could institute voters qualifications equally to all races and many former confederate states.
  • World War 1: Alliances and Central Powers

    World War 1: Alliances and Central Powers
    Austria Hungary declared war in Serbia. The war was divided the Europe into two armed camps- one side was the Tripple Alliances made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, their enemies was the Tirpple Entente of France, Russia, and Great Britain.
  • Roaring Twenties: Red Scare

    Roaring Twenties: Red Scare
    The Roaring Twenties describes the period in American history between the end of World War I and the beginning of the Great Depression. In the 1921 trial of two Italian immigrant anarchists, Sacco and Vanzetti, charged with robbery and double murder.
  • The Great Dpression: Frankiln D. Roosevelt & Hoover Herbert

    The Great Dpression: Frankiln D. Roosevelt & Hoover Herbert
    Roosevelt proposed that th federal government provie direct emloyment to th needy. While Hoover relied more on local government and private charities.
  • World War 2: Lend- Lease Act

    World War 2: Lend- Lease Act
    The Lend Lease Act, was the principal means for providing U.S. military aid to foreign nations during World War 2. The act authorized the president to transfer arms or any other defense materials to other countires
  • Cold War: The Truman Doctrine

    Cold War: The Truman Doctrine
    The United States would provide assistance to free people resisting communism. They including military and economic assistance to Turkey and Greece
  • The Civil Rights Movements: Brown v. Board of Education

    The Civil Rights Movements: Brown v. Board of Education
    Segregation of white and Negro children in the public schools of a State solely on the basis of race, pursuant to state laws permitting or requiring such segregation. Denies to Negro children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • The Vietnam War: Ho Chi Minh

    The Vietnam War: Ho Chi Minh
    The Vietnamese had suffered under French colonial rule for nearly six decades when Japan invaded portions of Vietnam in 1940. Vietnam had two foreign powers occupying them, that communist Vietnamese revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh arrived back in Vietnam.
  • Imperialism: Yellow Journalism

    Imperialism: Yellow Journalism
    In the late 1800s, yellow journalism was made by predominant American Newspapers, by Hearst and Pulitzer fanned to desire to intervene. De Lome the spanish minister to the United States, denoucing President McKinnley as a weak politician.