timeline project

By opatel
  • Missuori Compromise

    Missuori Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise tried to solve the problem of balance between free and slave states by admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, keeping the number of free and slave states equal. It also divided the rest of the Louisiana Purchase into slave and free territory.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Who : david willmot
    What : it was made to solve the mexican and american war or stop the slavery their but it never did
    Where : it was in the house of Representatives
    Why : it was made t stop slavery
    How : eliminate slavery in land earned by mexican war
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Slavery was banned in D.C. California was admitted as a free state. The fugitive slave act was introduced. This happened to keep slave states and free states equal.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This was an act passed as part of the compromise of 1850. It stated that escaped slaves were subject to being hunted down by their owners from the south. Their owners could send slave catchers to the north and pay them to bring their slaves back. Even though slavery was illegal in the north, the act let the owners retrieve their slaves.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    A story written by Harriet Beecher Stowe about slavery. This angered the north because they found out how bad slaves were treated. This made the north and south very angry and was one of the factors of the civil war. It documents the lives of slaves and servants of the past.
  • Kansas / Nebraska act

    Kansas / Nebraska  act
    An act that allowed the people that lived in Kansas and Nebraska to pick if they wanted slavery or not. Many people moved their to vote for pro slavery or anti slavery. Lots of violence broke out over people's views.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred scott was a free man in the north that lived in a free state. He was forced into slavery because his owner had died in a slave state. There was a case against it and he lost because slaves didn’t count as citizens. He was forced into slavery because he was technically counted as property and protected by the constitution. It made slavery legal everywhere.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    These were a series of debates between presidential candidates lincoln and douglas. They fought over their policies including slavery. Lincoln thought slavery should be banned. Douglas supported popular sovereignty and the state’s right to choose to be a free or slave state
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John brown supported the end of slavery through violence. He armed some men and slaves by breaking into an armory. They started a rebellion on Harpers Ferry, Virginia. They thought to end slavery with violence instead of compromise. This led them to get in trouble for killing people over the topic.
  • Lincoln's Election of 1860

    Lincoln's Election of 1860
    In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the united states. The south was angry because of their opposition to his values. Lincoln was an abolitionist and was fighting against Douglas for the presidency. Douglas was in favor of popular sovereignty deciding the laws on slavery in each state. He felt the citizens should vote on the subject, while lincoln thought it should just be outright banned
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    When Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the south was outraged and the decided to leave the union because of their opposition to Lincoln's values and principles. South Carolina was the first state to attempt secession and many others soon followed. The south established their own government. Their president was Jefferson Davis.