Timeline of the Universe

  • The Big Bang

    10^-35 seconds (time after the big bang)
    a catalysm with infinite energy explodes, generating space and time as well as matter and energy
  • The Universe Takes Shape

    the universe continues to expand and becomes less dense. The forces form: Gravity, Strong and Weak Nuclear Force, and Electromagnetism, The universe is made up of particles of energy.
  • Formation of Basic Elements

    3 seconds
    Protons and Neutrons come together to form simple elements. They are not stable, as there is no electrons in their orbits
  • The Radiation Era

    10,000 years Most energy in the universe is in the form of radiation. As the universe expnds, these waves or radiation are stretched and diluted.
  • Beginning of Era of Matter Domination

    300000 years
    Energy in matter and energy in radiation are equal. Neutral atoms start to form as elecrons link up with the elements.
  • Birth of Stars and Galaxies

    300 million years
    Pockets of gas are pulled together by gravity. these pockets ignite as stars, and groups of stars become galaxies.
  • Birth of the Sun

    5 billion (years before present)
    the sun forms within a cloud of gas. Gas and debris that surrounds it gives birth to planets and other fomations in our solar system.
  • Earliest Life

    3.8 years BP
    Earth cools and atmosphere develops, microscopic cells evolve in Earth's volcanic environments
  • Primitive Animals Appear

    700 Million years BP
    flatworms, jelly fish, and algae, 570 million years BP- creatures with hard shells stsrt to appear.
  • First Mammals

    200 Million years BP
    evolved from a class of reptiles
  • Dinosuars Extinct

    An astersoid slams into the Yucatan Peninsula, end to the age of dinosuars
  • Homo Sapiens Evolve

  • Supernova 1987A Explodes

    170000 years BP
    common elements are distributed as well as heavier ones. Cosmic Rays are distributed in their reminants.
  • Crab Supernova Appears

    1054 AD
    the world witnessed a nebula
  • Galileo builds first telescope

    1609 AD
  • Newton Describes Gravity

    1665 AD
    Newton realizes gravitational force accounts for falling objects and the orbit of planets
  • Theory of Reativity Published

    1905 AD
    recognizes speed of light as speed limit, establishes spacetime
  • Edwin Hubble Discovers Universe is Expanding

    1929 AD
  • Discovery of Quasars

    1960 AD
    Allan Sandage and Thomas Matthews find sources of intense radio energy.
  • Discovery of Microwave Background Radiation

    1964 AD
  • Discovery of Pulsars

    1967 AD
    Jocelyn Bell and Anthony Hewish discover pulsating sources of radio energy
  • Light from Supernova 1987A Reaches Earth

    1987 AD
    describes the death of large stars
  • Hubble Telescope Launched

    1990 AD
    a flaw in its mirror is later discovered
  • Big Bang Confirmed

    1990 AD
    Cosmic Background Explorer Satillite takes a detailed spectrum of background mircowave radiation, it proves the big bang theory
  • Hubble Repaired

    1993 AD
  • Stellar Era ends

    100 trillion years (in the future)
    most of energy is from stars burning hydrogen and the cores of elements
  • Degenerate Era Ends

    10^37 years
    most mass is in degenerate stars, energy is generated through proton decay and particle annihilation
  • Black Hole Era

    10^38 to 10^100 years
    only things remaining are black holes
  • The Dark Era Begins

    10^100 years
    only waste products remain of the universe