
Timeline of the Great Emu War

  • Rain Delays First Attack

    Rain Delays First Attack
    A period of rainfall dispersed the emus, so Meredith could not attack just yet
  • Attack at Campion

    Major Meredith and two of his men spotted a flock of 50 emus near the town of Campion. The emus dispersed into smaller flocks, and very few were killed
  • Period: to

    The Great Emu War

    The Australian military sends Major G.P.W Meredith out with two machine guns to defeat the migration of emus that ravaged the farmers' crops.
  • Battle of the Dam

    Meredith and his men spotted more than 1,000 emus headed towards a local dam. The men waited for the emus to be within range, however, the guns jammed after only 12 were killed. The flock ran away before the Australians could unjam the guns.
  • Major Meredith is Forced to Withdraw

    After negative press coverage about the incident, the Australian parliament is forced to shut down Meredith's operation
  • Meredith Called Back Into Action

    Farmers once again asked the Australian government to help them with the rampant emu population still destroying their crops. Meredith was once again put in charge and loaned a few soldiers to help out, instead of just two machine guns.
  • The Aftermath of the Emu War

    With early success for the second assault, Meredith himself cited that his men had killed over 2,500 emus with 10,000 rounds. He was recalled shortly thereafter