Timeline of Steve Jobs

By ihes54
  • Born

    Abdulafattah and Joanne have their first child -Steve Jobs- but are forced to put him up for adoption. It was Paul and Clara Jobs who latter adopted him.
  • High School

    High School
    Steve jobs wan't a good student in school and his teachers often had to bribe him to study.
  • Adopted, and Split

    Steve Jobs was adopted, then his new parents divorced each other!
  • First Love

    First Love
    Steve Jobs' first fell in love with Chrisann Brennan, they never got married (they actually broke up), but they had their first kid, Lisa.
  • Starting Apple

    Starting Apple
    Steve Jobs dropped out of school and began the famous company now known as Apple.
  • College

    Steve Jobs chose to drop out of colledge and works for the video game company Atari.
  • Starting Pixar

    Starting Pixar
    Steve Jobs left Apple and started Pixar animations.
  • Mom's Death

    Steve jobs' mom died
  • Marriage

    Steve Jobs married Lauren Powell Jobs. They then had 3 kids (4 kids because of the child he had with Chrisann Brennan)
  • Dad's Death

    Steve Jobs' dad died
  • Coming Back

    Steve Jobs came back to join Apple again.
  • Selling

    Steve Jobs sold Pixar to Disney for 7.4 BILLION DOLLARS
  • Death

    Steve jobs died in Palo Alto Califorina with his last words being "OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW."