Timeline of Events

  • Hull House

    Founded by Jane Adams to take care of immigrants.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act Passed

    Increased governtment regulations on trusts.
  • Idaho becomes 43rd state

    Idaho officialy becomes a state in the United States.
  • Yosemite National Park was created

    First national park created by Theodore Roosevelt for the conservation movement.
  • Jacob Riis published How The Other Half Lives

    A book that exposed the slums to upper and middle class people.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    The U.S. kills 150 Native Americans near Wounded Knee Creek
  • Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act

    An Act passed for preventing the the sale, maunfacture, and transportation of misbranded foods.
  • Pullman Strike

    A nationwide railroad strike against the Pullman Company.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Court case that made segregation legal.
  • William McKinley

    1897-1901. McKinley is voted into office for the United States for 1 term
  • De Lome Letter was published

    A letter written by the Spanish Ambassador which involved McKinely's diplomacy and the Spanish involvement in Cuba.
  • USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor

    United States battleship that was sunk in Havana harbor.
  • Spanish-American War

    Apr.25-Aug.12. War between the Spanish and the United States over Cuba.
  • The American Anti-Imperialist League was organized

    Created to battle the annexation of the Phillipines.
  • Open Door Policy

    Allowed the United States to gain access into Chinese affairs.
  • President William McKinley was assassinated

    McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz.
  • Theodore Roosevelt as President

    1901-1909. Teddy becomes President and is in office for 2 terms.
  • Roosevelt Corollary issued

    America will intervene in European affairs.
  • Panama Canal Zone was acquired by the United States

    The United States gains control of the Panama Canal.
  • Niagara Falls conference

    A meeting led by W.E. B. Du Bois that pushed for civil rights.
  • Upton Sinclair publishes "The Jungle"

    Book written to portray the lives of immigrants in the U.S.
  • Republic of Hawaii annexed

    The Untied States took control of Hawaii and became a U.S. territory.
  • Gentlemen's Agreement

    The informal agreement between the U.S. and Japan regarding immigration.
  • NAACP was founded

    An African-American organization that pushed for equality of rights for all people.
  • William Taft as President

    1909-1913. Taft is elected into office for the United States and serves 1 term.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    1912-1917. The effort to further its aims into East Asia and Latin America.
  • 16th Amendment is ratified

    Congress had the power to collect taxes.
  • Woodrow Wilson as President

    1913-1921. Wilson is elected into office for the United States and serves 2 terms.
  • 17th Amendment is ratified

    Established direct election of U.S. Senators by popular vote.
  • Henry Ford developed the modern assembly line

    Henry Ford creates the assembly line in which creates a finished product much faster. 1913-modern day
  • World War 1 (Europe: Assassination of Ferdinand Armistice)

    The assassination of the Archduke caused the war to start.
  • Zimmermann telegram was published.

    Telegram that was sent to Mexico in hope for support and to attack America. This was the event that made the United States join World War 1.
  • World War 1 (US: Congress declares war-armistice)

    U.S. Congress declares war against Germany and her allies.
  • Sedition Act passed

    Prohibited the dissent of American citizens.
  • 18th Amendment is ratified

    Prohibted the consumption and distribution of alcohol in the United States.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Peace treaty at the end of World War 1 that blamed Germany for the war.
  • 19th Amendment is ratified

    Prohibted any American citizen from being denied the right to vote based on sex. Women gained the right to vote.