Timeline of Educational Technology (500BC - 20th Century)

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Coined the concept of techne, or tehnology-The Elder Sophists (500-380 BC)

    Coined the concept of techne, or tehnology-The Elder Sophists (500-380 BC)
    The Elder Sophists were believed to be the first instructional technologists. They coined the word techne, which means technology. In teaching rhetoric, they combined theory and application. Sophist prodecures were inherently systematic, the student always knew what was expected of him and students could choose the formulas or modes of action for application to practical situations. Picture source: http://images.rapgenius.com/d4ab6108f57353494cf4d805bc681921.400x332x1.png
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Early Forerunners

  • Orbus Pictus & The Great Didatic-Comenius (1592-1670)

    Orbus Pictus & The Great Didatic-Comenius (1592-1670)
    Here is the link to a video of quotes and pictures of Commenius. https://youtu.be/wPg-um5m88o
    In 1658, Comenius published the book Orbus Pictus. It was the first "visual aid" illustrated textbook. The Great Didactic was his most important theoetical treatise, dealt with every phase of instuction. His principles of instructional method had a great influence in educational technology. Picture source:
  • Psychologizing of Instructional Method-Pestalozzi (1746-1827)

    Psychologizing of Instructional Method-Pestalozzi (1746-1827)
    Pestalozzi was the first educator who realized the importance of natural human development for instruction.
    Pestalozzi elaborated his concept of the learning sequence in the ABC of Anschauung. He exerted an important influence on Froebel, the founder of kindergarten. Picture source:
  • Lancasterian Monitorial Instruction-Lancaster (1778-1838)

    Lancasterian Monitorial Instruction-Lancaster (1778-1838)
    Lancaster integrated slates, sand tables, wall charts, and blackboards into teaching and saved paper, ink, and pens, and made fewer books necessary.
    In his monitorial method of instruction, one teacher was able to teach five fundred students at the same time, which was evolutionary in educational technology. The picture was a monitorial school in 1839.
    Picture source:
  • The First Kindergarten-Froebel (1782-1852)

    The First Kindergarten-Froebel (1782-1852)
    Here is a video about Froebel's kindergarten system. https://youtu.be/LNBzmCKLNdU
    Froebel is the founder of kindergarten.
    He believed in learning by doing and his notion of opposites was the most important to his instructional method. Picture source:
  • Period: to

    Instructional Media, Design, and Theory Foundations

  • Behavorism- Early 20th Century (1893-1971)

    Behavorism- Early 20th Century (1893-1971)
    Here is a Behavorism Timeline to learn the development of Behavorism theory. https://prezi.com/pcck6m6sdcw0/behaviorism-timeline/ Picture source: http://blog.questia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Behaviorism.png
  • First School Museum-St. Louis 1905

    First School Museum-St. Louis 1905
    The first school museum was opened in St. Louis in 1905, and shortly after, school museums were opened in Reading, PA, and Cleveland, OH. Although few such museums have been established since the early 1900s, the district-wide media center may be considered a modern-day equivalent. Picture source: http://www.cassgilbertsociety.org/images/works/f/la-purchase-expo1.jpg
  • Instructional Radio-1920s to 1930s

    Instructional Radio-1920s to 1930s
    A medium that gained a great deal of attention during 1920s and 1930s was radio. By the early 1930s, many audiovisual enthusiasts were hailing radio as the medium that would revolutionize education. However, contrary to these predictions, over the next 20 years radio had very little impact on instructional practices. Picture source: http://jproc.ca/rrp/radio_train_corn.jpg
  • Cone of Experience-Dale Eagar

    Cone of Experience-Dale Eagar
    Here is a web-based lesson about the Cone of Experience.
    The Cone of Experience, also named Cone of Learning, was created by Dale, Edgar in 1946. It's a pictorial summary of direct and indirect experience, and of conrete and abstract experience. It provides means for educational technology. This chart was used for over 40 years to justify our field of educational technology
  • Instructional Television-1950s

    Instructional Television-1950s
    Here is a video of first television broadcast.
    https://youtu.be/6iWJ5LObN2o The most important factor to affect the audiovisual movement in the 1950s was the increased interest in television as a medium for delivering instruction.
    By the mid-1960s, much of the interest in using television for instructional puposes had abated.
  • Cognitivism-Mid 20th century

    Cognitivism-Mid 20th century
    By the early 1970s according to some accounts, the cognitive movement had all but "routed" behaviorism as a psychological paradigm, and by the early 1980s the cognitive approach had become the dominant research line of inquiry. Picture source: http://renaln.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/brain_map.jpg
  • Taxonomy of Educational Objectives-Bloom 1956

    Taxonomy of Educational Objectives-Bloom 1956
    In the 1950s, behavioral objectives were given another boost when Benjamin Bloom and his coleagues published the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The authos of this work indicated that within the cognitive domain there were various types of learning outcomes, that objectives could be classified according to the type of learner behavior.
    Picture source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2QQQFKneW1A/UsDvybaZpGI/AAAAAAAAjNg/mpQSA9UMBWs/s1600/b6.png
  • Nine Events of Instruction-Gagne 1965

    Nine Events of Instruction-Gagne 1965
    Gagne's nine events of instruction or teaching activities are essential for promoting the attainment of any type of learning outcome. Gagne's descripttion of the various types of learning outcomes and the events of instruction remain conerstones of instructional design practices. Picture source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/gagne9eventsppt10-141022174437-conversion-gate01/95/robert-gagne-9-events-of-instruction-explained-2-638.jpg?cb=1414000026
  • Systems Approach & Journal of Instructional Development-1970s

    Systems Approach & Journal of Instructional Development-1970s
    During the 1970s, instructional design models greatly increased and many new models were created for systematically designing instruction. The significant scholars included Dick and Carey, Gagne, Kemp, and so on. Many of the developments of systems approach were documented in the Journal of Instructional Development. This journal was first published during the 1970s and was the forerunner to the development section of Educational Technology Research and Development.
  • Constructivism-Late 20th century

    Constructivism-Late 20th century
    Constructivism is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas. It has influenced a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, education and the history of science.-----Wikipedia
    This website provides comparisons among behavorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. http://my-ecoach.com/project.php Picture source: http://elementsunearthed.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/constructivism_scale-f.jpg
  • Computers for Instructional purposes -1983

    Computers for Instructional purposes -1983
    After the interest in instructional television faded, the next technological innovation to catch the attention of a large number of educators was the computer. Although wide-spread interest in the computer as an instrutional tool did not occur until the 1980s, computers were first used in education and training at a much earlier date. Picture source: http://www.dougplate.com/BobFun/BobComputer.jpg
  • WWW-1990

    Since 1995, rapid advances in computer and Internet have led to a rapidly increasing interest in, and use of these media for instructional purposes. Picture source: http://sdasia.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/internet-company.jpg