Timeline of Civil Rights Movement

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    Hello! This is my civil rights timeline for my U.S. History class!
  • A Demand for Africa's Independence (Pan-African Movement)

    A Demand for Africa's Independence (Pan-African Movement)
    A strong demand for African independence. Really caused a lot of controvery at the time, considering Africa's stand regarding population classification.
  • Nelson Mandela Expelled from Fort Hare (Anti-Apartheid Movement)

    Nelson Mandela Expelled from Fort Hare (Anti-Apartheid Movement)
    He was expelled from Fort Hare Missionary College for organizing an anti-apartheid strike on campus. Really held him back in his law studies, not the most full proof idea on his part.
  • Sharpeville Massacre (Anti-Apartheid Movement)

    Sharpeville Massacre (Anti-Apartheid Movement)
    Thousands of black African protesters rushed a South African police station in complete surprise. Many died, precisely 69. What is interesting is that many say that the crowd was violent, whilst others say it was peaceful and willing to cooporate,
  • The Berlin Airlift (Cold War)

    The Berlin Airlift (Cold War)
    Soviets blocked off Berlin to starve the population (allies). The Allies, in response to such a violent act, built a massive air lift flew day in and day out with food and supplies.
  • Truman Executive Order (Civil RIghtsd Movement)

    Truman Executive Order (Civil RIghtsd Movement)
    Permanently got rid of racial desrimination in the United States Armed Forces and would eventually lead to the end of segreagation, releiving some stress and tension.
  • Defiance Against Apartheid Begins (Anti-Apartheid Movement)

    Defiance Against Apartheid Begins (Anti-Apartheid Movement)
    When we define "Defiance" in this situation, we simply mean it was mostly physical and not so much politically dealt with. Mass riots, protests and so much more broke out against the Apartheid broke out. This is really what started the 50's.
  • South Africa Establishes Apartheid with Limitations (Anti-Aprtheid Movement)

    South Africa Establishes Apartheid with Limitations (Anti-Aprtheid Movement)
    Apartheid System is put into effect with several limitations. Nelson Mandela dives deep into this and takes action with the use of his followers, which ave grown quite large.
  • The Korean War (Cold War)

    The Korean War (Cold War)
    North Korea, backed by the Soviets, invaded its twin nation, South Korea (backed by the United States). War ended with a never ending stalemate, literally.
  • Brown V. Board of Education (Civil Rights Movement)

    Brown V. Board of Education (Civil Rights Movement)
    The Court decided that the laws forcing blacks and whites to be in separate schools unconstitutional and just not right.
  • The Famous Space Race (Cold War)

    The Famous Space Race (Cold War)
    Even though tensions are high between the US and the USSR, especially with the Cold War in place, that did not stop them from a competition relating to space travel.
  • The Treason Trial (the Cold War)

    The Treason Trial (the Cold War)
    By now, communism has been abandoned, thankfully. Yet, the government arrested ANC and Congress leaders and put them to a trial...later known to be as The Trason Trial. Definitely a dark time in economic and political history.
  • Freedom Charter is Drafted (Cold War)

    The public demanded for not only independence, but the ability to live their lives freely. To work, have actual houses, and so much more. Thusly, all these demands and wishes were combined to form this Charter.
  • Vietnam War (Cold War)

    Vietnam War (Cold War)
    With South Vietnam being allied with the U.S and North Vietnam with the USSR, chaos broke out in one of the bloodiest wars to date.
  • Rosa Parks Refuses to Leave Her Position in the Seat

    Rosa Parks Refuses to Leave Her Position in the Seat
    In early December, Rosa Parks (an African-American Civil Rights activist) refues to leave her seat on a bus to a white man.
    Really caused tensiona nd attention fo that manner.
  • "America" by Allen Ginsberg is Written

    "America" by Allen Ginsberg is Written
    This is just oen of his many poems written back then. This really opens up and talks about a lot of sensitive topics that normally would not be covered or discussed about at the time.
  • Little Rock School Desegregation

    Little Rock School Desegregation
    The "Little Rock Nine" are escorted inside Little Rock Central High School by troops of the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army. 9 African American students escorted inside. Previously stated that the school would obey the Court's decisions regarding the laws about segregation.
  • The Year of Africa (The Cold War)

    The Year of Africa (The Cold War)
    United Nations comes to a decision to estblish the year of 1960 as the "Year of Africa". Celebrating all the states that gained independence so far.
  • The First Sit-Ins (Civil Rights Movement)

    The First Sit-Ins (Civil Rights Movement)
    Four African American students from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University sat down at the lunch table for white students in order to protest This really strained the University's standing and overall stress during the time. Especially since this took place during the early 60's.
  • We get Involved with the Middle East (Looming Tower)

    We get Involved with the Middle East (Looming Tower)
    Really put the American people on the fence. Created much tensiona and differed opinions among millions around the world.
  • The ANC is Banned (Anti-apartheid movement)

    The ANC is Banned (Anti-apartheid movement)
    ANC was used to attempt to overthrow the Apartheid system, however it sort of back fired and put extreme strain against the South African government. Int he end, it was disbanded by force.
  • The Bay of Pigs (Cold War)

    The Bay of Pigs (Cold War)
    Refers to the American attack of the Cuban government in order to not only overthrow Fidel Castro, but eliminate him permanently.
  • Mandela Supports ANC (antie-apartheid movement)

    Mandela Supports ANC (antie-apartheid movement)
    Mandela decides to support this cause countering Apartheid. During this time, he would have gathered enourmous otice and followers. He was a smart man.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis (Cold War)

    The Cuban Missile Crisis (Cold War)
    This was, hands down, the closest the world ever came to nuclear war. Soviet field commanders in Cuba were ready to launch their nuclear weapons to defend their island in case of an invasion. Thanks to President Kennedy and Premeir Nikita, this was avoided. But it was definitely close.
  • Signing of OAU (Cold War)

    Signing of OAU (Cold War)
    The Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was established on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa, on signature of the OAU Charter by representatives of 32 governments.
  • Free Speech Movement (Counter culture)

    Free Speech Movement (Counter culture)
    This was an act who's purpose was to be featured as an anti-war protest/movement.
  • The Creation of the Country of Isreal (Looming tower)

    The Creation of the Country of Isreal (Looming tower)
    With the creation of Isreal set in stone, anger sparked among those in the Middle East. Tension just started to rise.
  • The Summer of Love (counter culture)

    The Summer of Love (counter culture)
    Most simply put, it was a Hippie movement. 30,000 hippies gathered in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park to celebrate their culture.
  • A Six Day War (Looming tower)

    A Six Day War (Looming tower)
    Six-Day War, also called June War or Third Arab-Israeli War, brief war that took place June 5–10, 1967, and was the third of the Arab-Israeli wars
  • Tet Offensive (social rights)

    Tet Offensive (social rights)
    A campaign of attacks, all by surprise, all over South Vietnam.
  • My Lai Massacre (Cold War)

    My Lai Massacre (Cold War)
    Vietnam War mass killing of hundreds of innocent and unarmed civilians in South Vietnam.
  • Confrontation at Berkely (counter culture)

    Ronald Reagan demanded a park be torn down. Riots quickly formed and all turned loud and chaotic.
  • Manifesto of Southern Africa (pan african movement)

    Manifesto of Southern Africa (pan african movement)
    States that the government will support armed liberation struggles against minority regimes in South Africa
  • A Defiance of Campaigns (the cold war)

    This was just the very start of something even greater. It was a mass movement of resistance to the apartheid. This caused sort of a mini war, economically and a bit physically that is.
  • A New Left

    SDS was the organization responsible for creating the New Left.