Timeline for project 2

  • Eliminating the Penny from the U. S. Coinage System: An Economic Analysis

    Believes that removing the penny will hurt the U.S economy and the people living in it
  • Have a Penny? Need a Penny?Eliminating the One-Cent Coin from Circulation

    An explanation of how the Canadian one cent coin was removed and why the U.S shouldnt remove the penny
  • Time to Eliminate the Penny from the U.S. Coinage System: New Evidence.

    Argues claims made by economist Raymond Lombra. Doesn't see the removal of the penny as something that will have a drastic effect on the economy
  • Avoiding a meltdown: Managing the value of small change

    The author see's the penny as somewhat useless. Talks about the problem of people melting pennies for copper. Doesn't take a definitive stand on whether to keep pennies or now
  • Penny reign:: America’s least valuable coin endures

    Identifies both sides of the argument without choosing a side.
  • Waiting for change

    Sanburn was for the removal of the penny
  • Is It Time to Ditch the Penny

    Two perspectives of whether the penny should be removed or not. A different author is explaining their case of one side