
  • Period: to

    French & Indian War

    • Gained French land
    • After the war Britain was in debt so they taxed the colonist
    • Was a part of the 1st World War
    • Fought because everyone wanted the Ohio Valley
  • Proclamation of 1763

    • It said that colonist couldn’t settle pass the Appalachian Mountains
    • Georgia expanded
    • Colonists didn’t obey the proclamation
    • This was created because the king wanted to be on good terms with the Native Indians
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    • It set taxes on: cloth, sugar, coffee, & wine
    • It gave the right to search any ship to prevent smuggling
    • Tobacco, sugar, & timber could only be sent to Britain
    • The colonists boycotted against the act and it as repealed
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    • It was a tax on paper
    • For paper to be shipped it had to have a stamp on it that you paid for
  • Declaratory Act of 1766

    • It reminded the colonist that the king was incharged
    • Parliament had the right to pass laws for the colonies
  • Townshend Act of 1767

    • It placed an import tax on tea, paper, glass, and coloring for paints
    • The colonist boycotted by not drinking tea, using one big sheet of paper for newspapers, having small windows in buildings, and not painting buildings
    • Parliament repealed all the acts but the tea 
  • Tea Act of 1773

    • To keep the East Indian Company from going broke Britain said that the colonist could only buy their tea from them
  • Boston Tea Party

  • Intolerable Act

    • It had four laws that were used as punishment to the colonist
    • Boston Harbor was closed until the colonist agreed to pay for the tea
    • Massachusetts colonists couldn’t have town meetings without getting permission
    • British officials accused of any capital crime could go back to England were they wouldn’t be charged harshly
    • Britain passed the Quartering Act
  • Quartering Act

    • That at your own expense you had to house and feed any British soldiers that needed a place to stay
  • Declaration of Independence

    • It was much like a break up letter and had all the components of a break up letter
    • It starts off by saying that the colonists could no longer be a part of Britain
    • It then talks about an ideal relationship where it says that the colonists have some unalienable rights that they would have if Britain was treating them better
    • It then continues on to list all the grievances that the colonist have
    • Some of them are the king negates laws that the colonists have made & there are no fair trial