
American Triumph in a nutshell

By Laylag
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Mayflower Compact The Mayflower Compact was the written agreement composed by the new settlers arriving in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. The Pilgrims/Puritans fled England seeking Religious Freedom. The Mayflower compact was a social contract stating that the colony was to be free of English law and governed by their own.
  • Patrick Henry's Speech to the Virginia Convention

    Patrick Henry's Speech to the Virginia Convention
    "Give me liberty, or give me death" Patrick Henry's famous "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech was given to the Virginia Convention in 1775. His empowering speech stated Virginia and Massachusetts join to overthrow Great Britain. He expressed War was inievitable, and they must act now before Britain takes control of all the colonies. This act displays Global Standing and The American Dream.
  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"
    [http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/thomas-paine-publishes-common-sense](Thomas Paine) Thomas Paine, an English American writer in the 1770's, published a pamphlet tilted 'Common Sense. This pamphlet argued strongly that America should part from British law, and become independent. Thomas Paine showed non-violent disobedience in his acts.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence was the final movement to part from the British Empire. This document was published by Thomas Jefferson, president at the time, and signed by all fifty-six delegates. The thirteen coloneis were finally free from the brutal law of Britain, and then became alliances with France. This displays both Social Contract, and Global Standing.
  • Constitution of the Unoted States of America

    Constitution of the Unoted States of America
    the Constitution of the Unoted States. In the early 1780's, we were a new country, with a new government that wasn't working efficiently. In 1787, The Framers, who were James Madison, Ben Fnanklin, and George Washington, got together and created the Constitution of the United States, stating the basic rules on which our country was built upon. This was an exmple of Social Contract, and global standing.
  • Opening of Ellis Island

    Opening of Ellis Island
    Ellis Island Ellis Island was the fedral Imigration station in which all people coming into the US had to transit through. Many Europeans fled from war, famine, and hardship to come to America. As they arrived Ellis Island, they were tagged, then put into large lines waiting for health and citizenship documents. This shows the American Dream.
  • The State of Tennesse v. John Thomas Scopes (Scpes Monkey Trial)

    The State of Tennesse v. John Thomas Scopes (Scpes Monkey Trial)
    The Monkey Trial In 1925, John Scopes, a substitute science teacher, was teaching Darwin's theory of evolution to school children, breaking the Butler law. The Butler law was pased after Darwin had his findings of evolution, and it stated no theory's of Evolution shall be taught in any public law nor college. Scopes broke the law, and got fined $100, which is worth a much higher value today. This shows civil disobedience.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" Speech

    Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" Speech
    'Four Freedoms Speech' On January 1941, F.D.R gave his 'Four Freedoms' speech to the US congress. His speech stated all people through out the world should have these four freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from fear, and freedom form want. Due to previous tensions and ones still occuring, such as World War 2 these freedoms were critical at the time. This shows freeedom.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Attack on Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941, was the date on which Japanese fighter planes attacked U.S naval base at Pearl Harbor. It was World War 2, and the Japanese were allies with Germany, gaining on the U.S. This was a brutal attack that happened extremely quick, and showed Global Standing.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Brown vs. Board Of Education Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was the supreme court's decision that said seperated school facilities are unequal. This 1954 ruling overturned the previous legislation which legalized segration within schools. This historic case allowed people of all colors to have a free education.This is an act of Civil Disobedience and Equality vs. Equity.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock Nine
    On September 4th, a white mob blocked a group of black students, called Little Rock Nine, from entering their school, which was taken to the Supreme Court. Their ruling was to prevent the governor from blocking student's entry. Little Rock nine won this case, and was an international turning point for civil rights. This was an example of the American Dream.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Plessy vs. Ferguson Plessy vs. Ferguson was the court case handled by the supreme court. Plessy was arrested for refusing to move when asked to exit from an all-white raild-road cart on the train. As this violated the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments, Judge John H. Ferguson proved him guilty. This trial demonstrated Equality vs. Equity.
  • 9/11

    9/11 On september 11, 2014, the terrorist group, al-Quaeda hijacked 4 airplanes, and suiside bombers took control. They crashed two into the world trade centers in Ney York City, one into the Pentagon outside of Washington D.C., and one into a field in Pennsylvania. 2,977 victims were killed that day, and Terrorist Leader, Osama Bin Laden fled, alive. This was a violent violation of rights.
  • President Obama's First Inaugural Address

    President Obama's First Inaugural Address
    First Inauguration of Barack Obama Obama's Inauguration was to mark the beggining of his first four year term. In his speech, Abraham Lincoln was quoted and mentioned throughout, for Lincoln's strong belief in freedom served as the theme. He was the first ever black president, and had a great mindset and game plan that he expressed to the American citizens during his speech. This showed patriotism.