time line of the 1800's

  • 1803

    The President is currently Thomas Jefferson and He engineers the Louisiana purchase so he doubles the size of the republic. He Encourages to fund May weather Lewis and William Clark Expedition of discovery.
  • 1804-1806

    William Clark's African american slave, York, helps and makes the expedition successful.
  • 1805

    Sacajiwea joins the lewis and clark expaditon
  • 1805

    Sacajawea joins the Lewis and Clark exposition as it departs from Mandan, She helps the expatiation go great due to her skill from being a Native American
  • 1812

    On June 18th 1812, there was a War in the United states grounds, he president at the time was James Madison. This War was between Great Britain and America. This was was fought because of Great Britain restricted America on trading and expanding the territory so they have more land to farm and build on so they have a better chance and survival. After 3 long years of fighting the war finally came to an end on February 18th 1815.
  • Period: to


    The war of 1812 happened. this war was caused because the british restricted america on trad and expanding the USA