Time line lead up to civil war

  • comprimis

    Gold discovered in California quickly get 60,000 people, apply for statehood. The Missouri Comp. line stops at Calif. Should Calif. be a free state or not
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    bleeding Kansas was were the north and the south whent to kansas to got for slavery to be free or unfree and it broke out into and big fight
  • Kansas/Ned act

    Kansas/Ned act
    Sen. S. Douglas wanted a Northern Rail road route but needs Southern Support.
  • The Sumner Incident

    The Sumner Incident
    The sumner incident was were Brooks beat sumner because he was talking about not wanting slavery spred and one day Brooks walkes into sumners office with his cane and beat him while he was sitting at his desk. People started sending Brooks canes.
  • John Browns raid

    John Browns raid
    John Brown led 18 men to and armery in Harpper's Ferry, Virgiania and that was were he was caught and hung later and HE DIED!
  • Abraham Lincoln’s Election

    Abraham Lincoln’s Election
    Aberham was elected president of the united states he was the 1st republican t be a president. As a Republican, his party’s anti-slavery outlook struck fear into many Southerners.