Tim Berners-Lee

By maksach
  • Tim Berners-Lee Born

  • Period: to


    attended school at Sheen Mount Primary School and London's Independent Emanuel School
  • Period: to


    attended Queens College of the Oxford University
  • D.G. Nash Ltd.

    Berners-Lee worked at D.G. Nash Ltd. writing typesetting software for intelligent printers and a multitasking operating system. He was also working as an independent consultant for many companies including CERN around this time
  • CERN

    Tim received his fellowship from CERN and started working there. As the company was working on email and data sharing, he realized that a simpler and more efficient method of data sharing had to be devised
  • Conceptualization of World Wide Web

  • World's First Website

    The world's first website was info.cern.ch built at CERN. The site provided information for WWW.
  • Established WWW Consortium

    The WWW Consortium was a rule book of sorts, or a way to document the guidelines of the World Wide Web.
  • Professor of Computer Science at University of Southampton, UK

    Worked on Semantic Web
  • Co-Director of Web Science Trust

  • Founded and Directed World Wide Web Foundation