Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922- June 17, 1996)

  • Thomas Kuhn's "Paradigm"

    With the publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolution, Thomas Kuhn redefined the term "paradigm". He defined it as the inherent outlook scientists have on the world and science itself. The way tests are conducted, what counts as a solution, and what is a problem worth interest are all based on the current paradigm. Each and every field of study has a paradigm, and only one. Multiple paradigms cannot coexist with one another. Kuhn's Structures essentially WAS a paradigm shift.
  • Scientific Cycle

    Thomas Kuhn presented a cyclic scientific history. This cycle revolves around his definition of paradigm. A paradigm shift is always initiated by a significant scientific discovery. Before this, the pre-paradigm phase is in effect, where there are no pre-conceived notions on any theories. Once inquiry and tests continue, and a general consensus arises, normal science begins, in which scientists begin to formulate theories according to said paradigm.
  • Scientific Cycle, Part 2

    Once a consensus and theories begin to populate the scientific field, anomalies begin to arise. Scenarios and events that refute the paradigm start to pile up, until there are so many that the scientific field is in a state of crisis. This means the paradigm continues to fail at accounting for anomalies. Once this phase has begun, a search for a new paradigm begins. Whether purposeful or accidental, a state of crisis will allow for a significant discovery to be found.
  • Paradigm Shift

    After a state of crisis has been reached, to move on to the next paradigm a significant scientific discovery must be found. Examples of this have been Einstein's theory of relativity, Newton's laws of gravity, and even Thomas Kuhn's theory of paradigms. Once this new scientific discovery or theory is presented, and the general field accepts it, the notions of science are changed, and the ways science is conducted also evolves with it.
  • Bibliography of Thomas Kuhn's Major Works

    Kuhn, T. S. The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957 Kuhn, T. S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962 Kuhn, T. S. Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987