Charles darwin the origin of species

Theory of evolution

  • 400

    Ancient Greek philosophers

    Ancient Greek philosophers
    400BCE Plato and aristrotle believed that all life existed in a perfect and unchanging world. this was believed for over 2000 years.
  • Buffon

    For the longest time the church doctrins provided sweeping explanations for biological diversity, (all creatures created independently from god) Buffon was the first to publicly challang the church saying the world is older than 6000 years. He noted similarties between humans and apes, common ancestors.
  • Cuvier's

    Cuvier was creatited with developing the science of paleontology. In the fossil records he found that new species appered and others disappeared over time. this showed that speices could become extinct.Also he said that earth may have had many destuctive event in the past. cuvier called these events revolutions.
  • Lyell's

    lyell regected cuviers idea of many catastrophic events. He stated that changes are slwo and continuous. the earth is older than 6000 years.
  • Lamarck Acquired Characteristics

    Lamarck Acquired Characteristics
    Lamarck thought characteristics aquired over a life time could be passed on to offspring. This theory was called the inheritance of aquired characteristics. At this point in time lamarck had no knowledge of cell biology or genetics.
  • Dawins evidence

    Dawins evidence
    left england on the HMS beagle, a british survey ship.On this journey it provided Dawrin the opportunity to explore various countries and geographical locations. Darwin had made many observations on this expedtion that he did not fully understand till years to come. Darwin made observations like extinct organsims were very similar to living animals. Darwin new from breeding animals that traits can be passed on through sexual reproduction.
  • Thoma Malthus and the origin of species

    Thoma Malthus and the origin of species
    Malthus stated that populations produce far more offspring than their environments can support and were eventually reduced by starvation and disease. Darwin later after getting all his information published his book, the origin of speices in 1859. Darwin proposed two main ideas, present forms of life have arisen by descents and modification from ancestral speices. And natural selection is working for long periods of time.
  • Wallace

    wallace is the co-discover of natural selection, he made a number of contributions to the development of the theory of eveolution. Darwin and wallace accepted that population changes as time passes but they were still unclear how populations change.
  • further evidence to the theory of evolution

    further evidence to the theory of evolution
    1920 to the current evidence of evolution. Fossil Records, Transitional fossils, Anatomy, Embryology, molecular biology and genetics.