Theodore Roosevelt Timeline

  • Theordore Roosevlet birth

    Theordore Roosevlet birth
    Theodore Roosvelet was in Manhatten New York.
  • Spanish American War hero

    Spanish American War hero
    After Roosevelt left the war we was know for his heroism duning the battles he endured.
  • Names President after Mckinley assassinated

    Names President after Mckinley assassinated
    Roosevlet was elected after President Mckinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz at the Temple of Music on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.
  • Won his first term as President

    Won his first term as President
    Roosevelt was elected president in 1901, we was a memebre of the Progressive Party when he won
  • Bear cub

    Bear cub
    In 1902 Roosevelt and this hunting partner Andrew Longino. Roosevelt couldnt shot the innocent cub so he brought it back form the trip an kept it as a pet.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    In 1902 there was a huge coal strike with the immigrants in Pennsylvania. There were demading better working conditions. Over 147000 working demaded better conditions
  • Pelican Island, florida named first nationl wildlife refuge

    Pelican Island, florida named first nationl wildlife refuge
    Pelican Island was named first NAtional Refuge in 1903. This island drew in many tourist.
  • Ekins Act passed

    Ekins Act passed
    The Elkins Act is a 1903 United States federal law that amended the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. The Act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates
  • Passgae of Pure food and Drug ACT

    Passgae of Pure food and Drug ACT
    Thie law was passed in 1906 after thousands of people were getting sick due to lack of labeling of the product.
  • Devil Tower

    Devil Tower
    Devils Tower giving the status of Americas first national monument in 1906. Its located in Wyoming
  • Yosemite under federal control

    Yosemite under federal control
    Yosemite National Park its in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. thousdand of people visit this NAtional park every year to see the wildlife and views
  • Roosevlet goes to Africa

    Roosevlet goes to Africa
    After Roosevelts 2 terms as Presdint were over he went to Africa for almost a year and hunting rare animals during his time there.
  • Bull Moose party

    Bull Moose party
    The Progressive Party of 1912 was an American political party. It was formed by former President Theodore Roosevelt, after a split in the Republican Party between him and President William Howard Taft. Became predient after the runnings.