Theodore Roosevelt

  • Birth

    Teddy Roosevelt was born October 27, 1858 in Manhattan, NYC, NY.
  • San Juan Hill

    San Juan Hill
    Roosevelt is well known for his charge up San Juan Hill in the Spanish American war. He was the Asst. Secretary for the Navy and beat the drums for them as they went into battle. In this he was known as a rough rider, someone who rides horses alot or is very good with horses.
  • McKinleys Assasination

    McKinleys Assasination
    On September 6, 1901 President McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz. Eight days later Roosevelt became President, seceding McKinley.
  • 1902 Coal Strike

    1902 Coal Strike
    When Roosevelt was in office there was an energy crisis due to the coal strike of 1902. The workers wanted to change how they were treated by their employers. They demanded higher wages and shorter work days.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    The Elkins act was here to prohibit railroads from giving rebates. This would also make sure that the railroads did not discriminate with prices. This was drafted by congress on behalf of the railroads.
  • Pelican Island, Flordia

    Pelican Island, Flordia
    Pelican Island, Florida was the nations first wildlife refuge. Roosevelt was a conservationist and this is a great demonstration on the kind of President he was. Since this refuge was created, there have been 563 more refuges to come about in the Nation.
  • Wins First Full Term

    Wins First Full Term
    Roosevelt was President twice. The first time he became President was because McKinley was assassinated. The second time he became President he ran with the Republican party.
  • Yosemite under Federal Control

    Yosemite under Federal Control
    This was to show his conversationalist traits during his presidency. This was to ensure a safe place for animals.
  • Pure Food & Drug Act

    Pure Food & Drug Act
    This Act was passed by President Roosevelt to ensure truth in labeling. So if you were going to the store to buy Goodie powder from over the counter then you were for sure buying what the label said and not something such as cocaine. This will also help keep the food regulated.
  • Devil’s Tower, Wyoming

    Devil’s Tower, Wyoming
    This was declared the United States first national monument. This monument encloses 1,347 acres of land. This is one of the ways Roosevelt demonstrated how conservative of a president he was.
  • Roosevelt Goes To Africa

    Roosevelt Goes To Africa
    This was a scientific expedition that took place in Mombasa, Kenya. Roosevelt went to Africa with scientists, people who shot great game and his son. This trip for him was so that he could hunt big game in a foreign country and encounter different animals.
  • Bull Moose Party Fails Election

    Bull Moose Party Fails Election
    Roosevelt was president twice in his life. The first time was because of the assassination of McKinley, and the second time he ran with the Republicans. However the third time when he ran with the progressive party he lost. He ran for his third term because he was unhappy with the way Taft was running things in the oval office.