Theatre History - Eliza Marble

  • 534 BCE

    Festival honoring the Greek God Dionysus begins

  • Period: 534 BCE to 292 BCE

    Greek Theatre

    Greek performance is the foundation of all other theatre. It began as a tribute to the God Dionysus. The Greek's simple costumes and set design were paired with elaborate masks and scripts.
  • 525 BCE

    Aeschylus, the first playwrite, is born.

  • 480 BCE

    Euipedes uses modern (build, climax, resolution) structure for the first time.

  • 448 BCE

    Aristophanes and Menander begin writing as comedians.

  • 292 BCE

    Satyr plays rise in popularity.

  • 250 BCE

    Fabula Togata is produced.

  • Period: 250 BCE to 4

    Roman Theatre

    There aren't many preserved records of Roman Theatre, it wasn't very popular at the time. Many popular productions were Greek plays that had been translated into Latin. The Catholic church took a stance against theatre and, by the end of the Roman Empire, mimes were the only theatrical performers left standing.
  • 190 BCE

    Roman playwrite, Terrence, translates Greek plays into Latin.

  • 105 BCE

    Roman entertainment overshadows mimes and theatre.

  • 55 BCE

    Mimes are the only remnants of theatre left.

  • 4

    Some aspects of liturgy become a performance.

  • 534

    Morality plays are used to make Bible stories more appealing to the masses.

  • Period: 534 to 1510

    Medieval Theatre

    Medieval Theatre mainly consisted of Mystery and Morality plays. Religions rituals incorporated costumes and singing to engage the congregation more. Groups of actors travel from town to town performing scenes from the Bible.
  • 886

    Pageant wagons are constructed and travel from town to town.

  • 1000

    Theatre regains some popularity, permanent stages are built.

  • 1392

    Coventry Mystery plays are performed.

  • 1510

    "The Summoning of Everyman" is written.

  • 1564

    William Shakespeare is born.

  • Period: 1564 to

    Elizabethan Theatre

    The Elizabethan Era saw the birth of morally complex plays. William Shakespeare was born and his works spread throughout Europe. Theatre was seen as a more legitimate, respectable form of entertainment and employment than it had been for several centuries. There was less religious pressure on actors and playwrites so theatre became more diverse.
  • 1582

    Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway.

  • "Venus and Adonis" is the first of Shakespeare's poem to be printed.

  • Romeo and Juliet is written.

  • Shakespeare and his company construct the Globe Theatre.

  • The Merchant of Venice is printed.

  • Hamlet appears in print.

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream is put into print.

  • William Shakespeare dies at 52.

  • Shakespeare's First Folio is printed.

  • Tiberio Fiorilla travels through Paris with his Commedia troupe.

  • Period: to

    Commedia del Arte

    Commedia del Arte was a form of Italian theatre. In Commedia del Arte, each show features the same set of characters. Actors wear carved masks and there is no discernable dialogue. It spread from Italy to France and became the basis for modern physical and slapstick comedy.
  • Italian comedy is formally established in France.

  • Commedia del Arte is introduced to an English audience at the Drury Lane Theatre.

  • Carlo Goldoni creates a "modern" adaptation of Italian theatre.

  • Oliver Goldsmith is begins directing Commedia del Arte shows.