The World in the 1500-1750

  • Nov 20, 1522

    Map of the Earth

    Map of the Earth
    Ferdinand Magellan created the first round globe. He showed people that the Earth was round and not flat, he became famous for this discovery!!
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Copernicus and the Heliocentric Theory

    Copernicus and the Heliocentric Theory
    It shows how the planets line up at some point as they orbit the sun. He was born in (1473-1543). Copernicus showed how the sun and planets don't revolve around Earth but, that the planets orbit the sun! The sun is the center of the atmosphere.
  • The Force is back!! Gravity

    The Force is back!!  Gravity
    Galileo proved that, something that is one-pound and a one hundred-pound weight will land at the same time. Galileo showed people that no matter the weight of an object, they'll both end up on Earth!!
  • Zacharias Janssen Close Up

    Zacharias Janssen Close Up
    This telescope has more than one lens, and Zacharias created the first compound telescope! If someone says that the "lens were bulging out on both sides" then, that means the lens are bi-convex. It helps with seeing things far away or sometimes small.
  • Atoms are Visible!!

    Atoms are Visible!!
    We don't know when the microscope was first created but, it's believed to be in between the years 1590 and 1610. Hans and his son Zacharais Janssen were mentioned in letters from William Boreel!! William said that they invented a 20X "magnification microscope.
  • The Rainbow has Formed

    The Rainbow has Formed
    Isaac Newton held a prism in his hand and let the sun shine through it. He was the first person to understand what white light can do! It helps thinkers figure out what white light can do when, you use it for good reasons. " The light created a rainbow through it."
  • Ben Franks Glasses

    Ben Franks Glasses
    He was nearsighted at first, and then became farsighted in the middle ages. These glasses are still in use today!! These glasses help out people around the world that need them! Without Benjamin Franklin's invention, most people would've became blind by now!!