Watergate scandal

The Watergate Scandal

  • The Arrest

    The Arrest
    5 men were arrested at 2:30 am. 1 says he was a former member of the CIA. These men were caught trying to bug offices at the Watergate hotel and office complex.
  • The Washington Post says...

    The Washington Post says...
    The Washington Post reports that a republican security aide was among the Watergate robbers. However, the head of Nixon's reelection campaign denied all of it.
  • Nixon is Hiding Something...

    Nixon is Hiding Something...
    Former presidential appointments secretary shares that Nixon recorded all telephone calls and conversations in his office. Later, it is reported that Nixon orders the White House taping system to be disconnected.
  • Leaving

    Suspicions continue as many White House staffers begin to resign (this includes H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman and Attorney General Richard Kleindienst). White House counsel John Dean is fired. Many mysteries remain.
  • Nixon's Refusal

    Nixon's Refusal
    Nixon makes himself appear even more guilty and suspicious by refusing to give over the presidential tape recordings to the Senate Watergate committee or the prosecutor.
  • Thinking about Impeachment?

    Thinking about Impeachment?
    After Nixon fires Archibald Cox and abolishes the office of the special prosecutor, more people are suspicious. Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General resign. Congress begins speaking about the impeachment of Nixon...
  • "Turn them over!"

    "Turn them over!"
    By an unanimous vote, the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to turn over the 64 White House conversation recordings, despite Nixon's defense of his "executive privilege".