
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

By amsr
  • Deportations Begin

    Deportations Begin
    Deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto to concentration camps begin and continue for months. Jews begin to realize what their fate was going to ultimately lead up to.
  • Period: to

    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

  • Jewish Fighting Organization Formed

    Jewish Fighting Organization Formed
    The idea of a combat organization was born in July at the height of the liquidation and brought to life in October.
  • Resisted Deportation

    Germans staged an unexpected effort to deport remaining Jews during January 18-22, 1943, the Jewish Fighting Organization rebelled almost with bare hands. They had gotten ahold of revolvers, and with weapons at hand, they actively resisted against the Germans. This forced the Germans to halt deportations, thus marking the day that the Jews were going to fight.
  • The Uprising Begins

    The Uprising Begins
    Unbeknownst to the Nazis that marched proudly into the streets of the Warsaw Ghetto, the Jews were poorly but surely equipped with weapons, those including grenades and Molotov cocktails. Soon enough, they were under attack. Jews were shooting from buildings, hidden spots behind windows, house walls, or in attics. The enemy soon withdrew from the shock, and there were no deaths on the resistance's side.
  • Ghetto in Flames

    Ghetto in Flames
    General Jurgen Stroop orders that the Ghetto be burned down to effectively kill off the remaining Jews.
  • Leader Mordechai Anielewicz dies in Mila 18 Bunker

    Leader Mordechai Anielewicz dies in Mila 18 Bunker
    Poisonous gas is filtered through the bunker, killing off hundreds of fighters in hiding, including Mordechai Anielewicz, commander-in-chief of the resistance. "One of the finest and noblest warriors, who from the beginning, put his life at the service of his people.” –Emmanuel Ringelblum
  • End of the Uprising

    End of the Uprising
    The Uprising ended with the ghetto in ruins -- Stroop had ordered that the Ghetto would be burned down to end the Uprising once and for all. While some survived and continued to fight, others escaped through the sewers or were sent to Treblinka.
  • Great Synagogue of Warsaw is Demolished

    Great Synagogue of Warsaw is Demolished
    It officially ended the Nazi operation.