The Vietnam War (1954-1980)

  • The Americans funded the French.

    Lecture Link
    At this time, the United States was bankrolling a large amount of France's efforts to regain Vietnam. This meant that America was no longer an ally of Vietnam and it's leader, Ho Chi Minh. (Slide 15, Background Involvment...)
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam War (1954-1980)

  • Vietham elects a new president.
    North and South Vietnam are split, with Ho Chi Minh leading the North. Bao Dai led the South. In 1955, Ngo Dinh Diem became the president of the Government of the Republic of Vietnam. This is significant because President Eisenhower decides to support Diem and the South.
  • John F. Kennedy is elected president.

    Lecture John F. Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in the 1960 election. Kennedy was the new President of the United States with great power over the war. He increased the money given to Vietnam. (Slide 16 Advisory Effort...)
  • Ngo Dinh Diem is killed.

    History.comNgo Dinh Diem and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu were killed by their own generals. This made politics in their government very unstable. They needed more support from our country in response to this event.
  • President Kennedy is killed.

    LecturePresident Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. This left a lot of problems unsolved. The escalation by Lyndon Johnson is assumed to have been greater than Kennedy would have done, but we’ll never now. (Slide 16, Advisory Effort...)
  • The Gulf of Tonkin incident has a big impact.

    Lecture A U.S. Navy destroyer was patrolling the coast of North Vietnam, also known as the Gulf of Tonkin. The ship was attacked by North Vietnam, but remained unharmed. President Johnson alerted the media to this occurrence. This escalates the number of troops sent to Vietnam and outraged the country. (Slide 24, Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Resolution)
  • The Tet offensive impacted Lyndon Johnson’s presidency.

    Lecture A major attack against the U.S. troops occurred during the Tet New Year. It was a devastating surprise that killed and injured many soldiers on both sides. This event showed the U.S. that the fight was far from over, despite what they had previously thought. (Slide 26, Tet Offensive)
  • The U.S. invades Cambodia.

    English TimelineViolating International law, the U.S. and South Vietnam invade Cambodia. They intended to destroy supply camps in the area. This was met by a lot of U.S. resistance. U.S. citizens across the nation protested these events. Six student protestors were killed.
  • Hanoi and Haiphong are bombed.

    History.comThe Nixon administration bombed storage and supply camps. This shows that no part of Vietnam is excluded from attacks. This bombing was known and condemned around the world, bringing shame to Americans.
  • A cease-fire agreement is made.

    LectureIn Paris, Richard Nixon sent Henry Kissinger to meet with Le Duc Tho, There, they signed an agreement that would end the violence between them. This agreement did not go into effect immediately, however.(Slide 30, Watergate Burglary and Fall of Richard Nixon)
  • Richard Nixon resigns from office.

    English Timelinefter the Watergate Scandal, Nixon resigns. This leaves the outcome of the war, and the outcome of America, in Gerald Ford's hands.
  • Vietnam fighting finally concludes. The fighting officially ends between North and South Vietnam. By this time, over two million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians had been killed and more were injured. This deeply influenced Americas view on their effect on the world around them.
  • The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is formed.

    English Timeline Though sporadic violence continued for a few years, Vietnam finally and officially unified. The economy began to improve with Pham Van Dong as the nation’s Prime Minister.