
The Time of World War 2

  • Japan invades China!

    Japan invades China!
    Japan invades China in the early 1930s. There is no exact date of when it was created.
  • FDR

    Franklin Delanor Roosevelt took office in 1933 and immediately started stirring up ideas.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Ethiopia is located in Africa. Italy, being Japan's ally, invaded Ehiopia. There is not an exact date, but books state that Ethiopia was invaded by Italy in the fall of 1935
  • Germany and Italy

    Germany and Italy
    Germany and Italy sign a treaty, that states they are allied with eachother.
  • Japan takes over China!

    Japan takes over China!
    Japan was in command of the major citites in eastern China.
  • Hitler's Commands

    Hitler's Commands
    In April 1938, Hitler stated that he was going to add Austria to Germany.
  • Hitler's Ruling

    Hitler's Ruling
    Hitler's troops invade Poland.
  • Britain and France

    Britain and France
    Britain and France delcared war on Germany. During the war, Germany launched a three-month "lightning war" on it's near-by European countries. Unfortunately, France did not put up a good fight.
  • Bell Aircraft Corporation

    Bell Aircraft Corporation
    No exact date. Bell Aircraft Corporation announced plans to locate a plant to build B-29 bombers in Marietta.
  • May 7, 1945

    May 7, 1945
    On May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies, but it wasn't over just yet.