The Telephone

  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
    The very first telephone was invented, able to transmit voices electrically.
  • The home phone was soon after invented

    The home phone was soon after invented
    After the first official telephone was invented, they started to become common in peoples' houses, called home-phones.
  • The First Payphone

    The First Payphone
    The payphone was a public used phone that was a quarter to use. It only lasted for a limited amount of time, so feeding it more quarters would extend your time.
  • The first cordless telephone

    The first cordless telephone
    The first cordless telephone (patented) was invented by George Sweigert. (No, the phone he made does not look exactly like that one) With the addition of the cordless phone, you are no longer bound to a cord on a wall.
  • The first cell phone

    The first cell phone
    The first patented cell phone was used by Martin Cooper, ''called'' the DynaTAC 8000.
  • The First Touch Phone

    The First Touch Phone
    The first touch phone was made by a company called IBM, called the IBM Simon.
  • Where Are Phones today?

    Where Are Phones today?
    With the newest phone out on the market being the iPhone 7 by Apple , telephones have greatly advanced from their ancestors in the 1800's.(I like iPhones a lot, but if I were to get a phone it would not be an iPhone.