• How jets were,later back then in the years

    How jets were,later back then in the years
    On December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright capped four years of research and design efforts with a 120-foot, 12-second flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina - the first powered flight in a heavier-than-air machine.
  • The Technolgy of The First Jet

    The Technolgy of The First Jet
    Hans Von Ohain invented the first jet.
  • Where was the first jet made

    Where was the first jet made
    The first jet where made in Rostock (Germany).
  • How jets are today

    How jets are today
    Jets today has more power, speed,and also has more space
  • How are jets being desgined in today's history

    How are jets being desgined in today's history
    Most airliners today are powered by jet engines, because they are capable of safely operating at high speeds and generate sufficient thrust to power large-capacity aircraft.
  • What makes jet airliner so special in today's society

    What makes jet airliner so special in today's society
    They are capable of safely operating at high speeds and generate sufficient thrust to power large-capacity aircraft.
  • How has jets gotten better from when it was first made

    How has jets gotten better from when it was first made
    Jet engines have far fewer moving parts than piston engines, so they are more reliable, safer, and less costly to operate.