The Start of the iPhone

  • Steve Jobs invented the iPhone.

    Steve Jobs invented the iPhone.
    He and a group of people sat down an created the iPhone, then announced it at the Mac world convention.
  • One Million Sold

    One Million Sold
    In less than three months, Apple had sold more than one million iPhones around the world.
  • App Store Opened

    App Store Opened
    The App Store was opened allowing people to download more apps.
  • iPhone 4 Was Introduced

    iPhone 4 Was Introduced
    The iPhone 4 was introducing bringing Facetime and other improvements.
  • iPhone 5c and 5s was invented

    iPhone 5c and 5s was invented
    These iPhones were invented with the iPhone 5c bringing bold colors.
  • Apple Watch Released

    Apple Watch Released
    The Apple Watch was released in April 2015. The Watch connects with other Apple mobile devices, including the iPhone, enabling individuals to access various services from their wrists.
  • Apple Music Introduced

    Apple Music Introduced
    In June 2015, Apple Music entered the streaming music market to provide customers with access to a wide variety of music through their iPhones and other iTunes enabled devices for a monthly fee
  • Brand New iPhone 8

    Brand New iPhone 8
    The iPhone 8 has been invented and can be pre ordered, but is not out in stores yet.