Slide 4

THE SiEntiFic RevOluTioN

  • 140

    Ptolemy proposes the Geocentric Model/Theory

    Ptolemy proposes the Geocentric Model/Theory
    Geocentric Model is the theory that all planets and the sun revolve around the Earth and not the sun
  • 1543

    Nicolas Copernicus publishes On The Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres

    Nicolas Copernicus publishes On The Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
    The book was about the heliocentric theory that Nicolas Copernicus came up with.
  • Galileo's experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Galileo's experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa
    Galileo dropped two spheres from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
  • Johannes Kepler published his Laws of Planetary Motion

    Johannes Kepler published his Laws of Planetary Motion
    This Book was about how Johannes found out that the planets move in elliptic orbits around the sun.
  • Johannes Kepler published his Laws of Planetary Motion

    Johannes Kepler published his Laws of Planetary Motion
    Johannes book was about how planets revolve around the sun in elliptic orbits