The Seven Ages Of Men

  • Infant

    infants only cry alot and poop all the time
  • Grown Adult

    Grown Adult
    a person who is fully grown or developed or of age.
  • Child

    child generally refers to an minor otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority
  • Preteen

    boy or girl under the age of 13 esp one between the ages of 10 and 13 preadolescent
  • Teenager

    between the ages of 13 and 19, where your not a child anymore but your not yet an adult.
  • young adult

    young adult
    a person in the early years of adulthood.
  • Middle Age woman

    Middle Age woman
    : the period of life from about 45 to about 64
  • Old Woman

    Old Woman
    an old lady is a mother and a woman who lived in the early ages