The Seven Ages Of Man By Jasmine Gregory

By Jasabug
  • First the infant

    First the infant
    " At first,the infant, mewling and puking in the nurse's arms." The infant also squirms, whines and giggles in the most odd times.
  • The school boy

    The school boy
    "Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel and shining morning face, creeping like snail unwillingly to school" Slowly but surely he moves along feeling icky after every thought of school, wishing for the jovial moments of playtime. 
  • The lover

    The lover
    "And then the lover sighing like fumace, with a woeful ballad made to his mistress' eyebrow." The highschool lover joyful to see his sweetheart each day, being as big-hearted and kind as can be bringing flowers and chocolates daily.
  • The soldier/College boy

    The soldier/College boy
    "Then the soldier full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, seeking the bubble reputation." A soldier bold and conscious never too care free.
  • Business man/ Justice

    Business man/ Justice
    "And then the justice in a fair round belly with good capon lined, with eyes severe and beard of formal cut, full of wise saws and modern instances." The business man serious, and concerned about work, while looking clean cut and composed
  • Middle aged

    Middle aged
    "lean and slippered pantaloon, with spectacles on his nose and pouch on his side; his youthful hose, well saved, his world to wide for his short shank and big manly voice. Turning again toward childish treble, pipes and whistles in his sound."
    The man is a little more slowgoing yet not completly inactive.
  • Old man

    Old man
    "second childishness and more oblivion, sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."
    The man is now very aged and seasoned, and is slowly becoming faded out.